is box 22 a regular box? if so, i'm jealous!
i honestly am not too impressed with my box for the first time.
i got the box with the anastasia gloss, chocolate, tooth paste, flirt perfume and zoya polish in holly.
the lip gloss is tiny, way too sticky and the applicator is straight up crap. it's stiff and weird.
tooth paste.. if it actually will whiten my teeth (more than my crest w/ baking soda) i'll be happy, but i don't trust it yet.
the perfume smells like something 11 year old girls buy at walmart (way too sweet)... don't like it.
the zoya polish is nice, but it looks like rimmel's camouflage which i already have (and like). so meh. i'm not HUGE on green polish.
i don't know ladies, i liked the other boxes i had but this one? not really.
oh and the chocolate tastes like it's filled with pop rocks candy and pepper LOL i've had weird chocolate like that before (my favorite was with rose leaves... mmmh) but i would have liked it better if it was milk or white chocolate, i don't like bitter chocolate.
oh well... i will let them know of my disappointment and hope for a better december box.
EDIT: my toothpaste is only 2/3 full -_- /emoticons/
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> really?