Not sure if i should let it grow or chop it off. forums

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I like it long and think it suits your face shape well having it below the shoulder.

It looks nice now, but as you say you have been growing it out, it sounds like you have let it grow and are at the stage where you want a new style, but maybe you could just get a new style for the longer hair instead of chopping it off.

Have you tried thehairstylers service, that is advertised at the top of this page, where you can upload a pic of your face and try on all kinds of styles to see what suits you, before going for the chop. I have used it and its really good, saves costly mistakes and gives you a really good idea of what will suit you.

I like your color and the length, you look pretty, professional and smart, have you considered just getting a trim in the main and trying something new around your face, maybe a soft feathered side fringe, some gradation down the sides at the front, might give you the change you are looking for.
