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Stila also has a brush out for the Nordies sale but i don't think they're as good quality as the brush n paint can set at last yrs sale

they also usually have a stila brush set at the cco that's originally $75, but discounted, but i'm not sure how much

just some random info.. hehe

Originally Posted by Trisha The Stila brush set is generally the same quality as they are manufactured in the same place as the regular brushes. Also the Nordies set is just 5 of our short handled brushes that we always do, so they are not exclusive brushes for the set or anything as we always carry regular and short handled brushes x ahh, so that's the difference i didn't notice.. this years are short and last years are long handled, i take back the "not as good quality" comment

btw, my favorite e/s brush by any brand is stila #5

Originally Posted by Trisha Thats cool sweetie, just thought id mention it!
I love all our brushes except #1 (blush) its just not soft at all! x

have you ever tried BB's face blender brush? a cloud on your face =)
Really don't think I want anything from this collection, just nothing that catches my eye. Though the pressed iridescent powders look nice from pictures and discriptions


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