New members here are penalized...WHY? forums

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I don't know what you are referring to. Penalized how? If there is something I can clear up for you I would be happy to do so.

I agree. Did something happen that made you feel attacked, more than once, other members icluded? It would be nice if you could let us know specifically so we could address it. I think we're really open and friendly on MUT.

What are you being penalized for??? I'm pretty new here, this website is AWESOME and the people here are VERY COOL!! Why do you start a thread like this and you don't explain yourself????

Please reply as soon as possible to make us aware of any issues you are having.  We generally dont penalize new members.  Are you referring to how many posts have to be made before you can post images and links?

I'm not sure if tawnyinthepink is still on here, and I can't speak on  behalf of her, but I think she is referring to the MUT Secret Santa thread.    From what I can tell, she wanted to be part of Secret Santa, as did I.  But alas, we weren't allowed to join in the fun this year, as we weren't "established" posters.  What is an "established" poster anyways?  I know that Tawny only had 9 posts, but someone who is enthusiastic and happy about joining the site should be allowed to participate.  I have over 70 posts and I'm not established either, but I can swap with other members.  Seems fair, eh?  Aren't the holidays supposed to be about giving?  Have a little trust and faith.  This is supposed to be an open and friendly community.  Alienating people who are trying to actively participate in the community by doing Secret Santa isn't right or what this forum is about, is it?  If it is, then I'll be sure to leave.

I am not a mod, but in my opinion, I think that people involved in the SS should be "established posters". There have been MANY issues in the past with deadbeat swappers/SS participants

so I know, speaking for myself and no one else, that I would prefer someone established to be involved. I myself got screwed one year.

MUT is extremely welcoming towards new members, but you have to understand that they want to protect members as well. This is the best way to do it, unfortunately.I know it sucks, and I don't mean to sound harsh, and please don't take offense. SS is a lot of work for those involved (the mods running it)

Originally Posted by coffeegal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm not sure if tawnyinthepink is still on here, and I can't speak on  behalf of her, but I think she is referring to the MUT Secret Santa thread.    From what I can tell, she wanted to be part of Secret Santa, as did I.  But alas, we weren't allowed to join in the fun this year, as we weren't "established" posters.  What is an "established" poster anyways?  I know that Tawny only had 9 posts, but someone who is enthusiastic and happy about joining the site should be allowed to participate.  I have over 70 posts and I'm not established either, but I can swap with other members.  Seems fair, eh?  Aren't the holidays supposed to be about giving?  Have a little trust and faith.  This is supposed to be an open and friendly community.  Alienating people who are trying to actively participate in the community by doing Secret Santa isn't right or what this forum is about, is it?  If it is, then I'll be sure to leave.

I understand where you are coming from...but what exactly constitutes as an "established" poster? 

Originally Posted by Modirty80 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am not a mod, but in my opinion, I think that people involved in the SS should be "established posters". There have been MANY issues in the past with deadbeat swappers/SS participants

so I know, speaking for myself and no one else, that I would prefer someone established to be involved. I myself got screwed one year.

MUT is extremely welcoming towards new members, but you have to understand that they want to protect members as well. This is the best way to do it, unfortunately.I know it sucks, and I don't mean to sound harsh, and please don't take offense. SS is a lot of work for those involved (the mods running it)


I can certainly understand disappointment about not being able to participate. This is in no way to penalize new members, but as Modirty said it is to protect the members who participate. There have been issues in the past with gifts not being sent, so in order to try and prevent disappointment participation is limited to established members.

Established members are not just determined by post count, but also time spent on the forum. Some people are very quick to get a lot of posts. I know I post a lot, so it would not be hard for me to be well over 100 posts in a week.
Your (coffeegal) membership shows you have been here since September, and that is still fairly new in my opinion. I don't run the Secret Santa so I am not sure what guidelines were posted, but since it was unclear to you (and I am sure others) what is meant by an established member we will be sure to make that clearer next time. I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.


It is just someone who people are more familiar with and more than likely someone who has posted alot, and maybe been around for a couple of months.

People come and go on here, so this is to benefit people involved in the SS.

Did the person who originally start this thread even respond again? I didnt see anything. While I am a new member, literally like 3 days old, I am disappointed I cant par with the SS thing, but I understand it. I signed up wayyyyy back probably 10 years ago on another type of forum site-not MUT related-for a SS thing and I never got a gift from whoever my SS was. Everybody else was posting their pics of their gifts, I was pretty bummed. So now I am posting and reviewing and doing my part so I can par next year. Hey moderators maybe you guys can do a VALENTINES swap. That would be cool (who knows maybe you already do haha). That way us noobs dont have to wait a whole yr to do a swap. Just an idea
But I dont feel as if I am penalized. I was given a very fair reason in a pleasant msg so I wish this person would respond again so we can see where they are coming from and the mods can try and help :/ Hope everyones having a good week.

I think it's a tough thing to balance.  Due to money reasons I didn't want to participate in the SS, but I wouldn't have been insulted if I did ask to be part of it and I was denied for not being "established".  Even though I joined this forum in January 2006, I didn't start posting regularly until a few months ago. 

If you are a newer member and really wanted to participate in Secret Santa, then keep posting throughout next year.  If you make yourself an active member of this community, I have no doubts that you will be included next year. 

Just for clarification, I didn't personally start this thread.  I don't necessarily feel "penalized" for not being able to participate.  Disappointed yes, but penalized no.  I just personally think that the "established" user rule needs to be better defined and the same criteria needs to be used by each mod.    If I had a better understanding of what an "established" member was, I wouldn't have bothered getting excited about participating in SS.  For example, the criteria for swapping, the criteria for having a signature,  is clearly posted.  Why not have the same rule type structure for SS?  I can definitely see how some ladies might be offended about not being considered an "established" member, especially since the "established" member criteria was never posted; these ladies are probably good people.  Too bad the cheaters have to ruin the fun.  Oh well.  I have other people to buy things for and a wedding to plan, so not being able to participate in a forum SS is not the end of the world for me.

sorry to the newbies but this just helps to weed out people who are more likely joining to get gifts and not send their end. This happened a few years ago where alot of people got left out with no gifts. If you are a contributing member this time next year than just sign up. Its not personal at all.

Same here. I am a member of a couple of MU forums, and this is the only forum I have managed to remember and befriended people. It is such a nice and open community and noone cares if you can't afford or do not use MAC or other High End brands. 

Originally Posted by reesesilverstar /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I agree. Did something happen that made you feel attacked, more than once, other members icluded? It would be nice if you could let us know specifically so we could address it. I think we're really open and friendly on MUT.

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