Wow Anna! You are so cute! The short hair was done in such a cute pixie way! That's good that you like it. A lot of people have a hard time getting over the initial shock of lopping off long locks. How many centimeters did they cut off?
Originally Posted by jennycateyez it looks great! i could never do a change like that... ur a very brave girl! it looks hot on u! oh if you do the big change, it will grow back some day.
ones i went to the parlor to get a V, i had really long hair. the guy cut me a shaggy! do you beleive it. i didnt like the look on me at all. anyway, it was enough left to pin it into a ponytail.
Originally Posted by NoxiousByProxy Wow Anna! You are so cute! The short hair was done in such a cute pixie way! That's good that you like it. A lot of people have a hard time getting over the initial shock of lopping off long locks. How many centimeters did they cut off? my hair grew back pretty fast after the last cut. i think they took off about 5 cm.