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Mar 1, 2006
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Hey all,

Well I'm thinking of dying my hair black.... I have light brown hair now and it is really long down to my butt. I love my hair long so much and I plan on keeping it long for awhile. I am just sooo sick of brown hair. I recently dyed it DARK brown with red tint with semi permanant dye and i liked it but it washed out fast. I've been wanting to go black for awhile now and I havent had the guts to do it. I have had a lot of people talk me out of it saying that its hard to get out and i would have to get my hair striped and then it would be damaged and have to get cut off. I don't want to damage my hair or have to cut it but i would love to see how black would look on me.

I have fair skin and wear lots of dark makeup so everyone is saying dont do it you'll look gothic. But I don't really dress or act goth at all so I don't see how. I just think black hair looks great with any color clothing you wear and i believe it would look good on me. So what do u guys think?

I have some questions here though. I am 1st wondering What you guys think about me going black (I will attatch pics) 2nd If I dyed my hair with Semi Permanent dye will the black wash out or will it stain my hair even though its supposed to be temporary? 3rd Clairol makes a mousse dye called Colorlift and its supposed to wash out with 8-12 washes has anyone ever used this?

if you die it black, you'll never be able to get it out!!! only if its a perm. die, if its a wash, it should come out...........should........maybe........

I had black hair for years! I loved it! I was always really scared and then I did it and people would tell me that they thought it was natural! I'm a natural blonde so that was weird to hear! I didn't have a hard time getting it out. You just have to have patience. Basically, I highlighted using a cap, a little at a time when my roots would start showing, it was actually really pretty and I loved it all the way back to blonde!!! I would do it again in a heartbeat!


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