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Sep 27, 2003
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My ends are breaking off and I wonder how to stop it. I'm actually panicking about it because I don't want my ends to keep breaking off. I had a hair cut about 2 weeks ago and now my ends are in bad shape again. I wonder what's going on. I think coloring my hair in the past couple of years is taking it's toll on it. I mean keeping it blonde. I'm using Goldwell dry and porous shampoo and conditioner and it seems to work great. It's the best product combination I've found so far that makes my hair feel really nice. I also use Schwartzkof leave-in conditioner. Maybe a deep conditioning mask would help? Any product recommendations?
sounds like you need a deep conditioner. i like Kerastase Masquintense & Terax. Terax is only $16 @ ($20 @ Sephora) & if you use ebates, you get a 6% rebate.

also try using a leave-in conditioner as well. my stylist had me try Fast-Fixx by Catwalk. it's a spray & i usually apply it as i towel-dry my hair. use a comb instead of a brush when your hair is wet & try to let your hair dry naturally @ least 1x/week.

good luck!

Winter is especially drying on hair - more so if you've been bleaching it. I like Paul Mitchell's hair repair treatment. Honestly if you see tiny white dots and the hair breaks off at those points, then you really can't do anything about it except for cutting above where it's been breaking. If the hair breaks, the 'white dot' will split - leaving a split end. Once you see a breaking point - it's pretty much unavoidable but to cut more of your hair. Once it's breaking - you can't heal it with any kind of condtioner. As crappy as it is, you might have to get another cut... above where it's breaking. After you do, then do deep conditioning on a regular basis to keep new breaks from starting. Also use a heat protectant spray (Pantene makes a good one) and apply it all over and especially on the ends if you blow dry. Try to let it dry on it's own as often as you can... and make sure if you pull your hair back - it's with a soft band that won't snag or cause more breakage - Hope this helps...

Originally Posted by Reija(admin) I think coloring my hair in the past couple of years is taking it's toll on it. I mean keeping it blonde. If your hair is natually darker than what you've been coloring... It would help to go darker for awhile to your natural color. Bleaching on a regular basis is one of the most damaging things you can do to your hair. It removes some of the composition of the shaft - if you can go darker... even a darker blonde, you will be adding pigments and helping to strengthen your hair again - and add to what the bleaching has been taking away.
Thanks so much for the information NYAngel98. I do see the white "dots" and that's where the hair brakes off. I did buy a hair coloring kit by L'oreal (the one that has the base color and then you do the highlights) and the bought a shade darker than I normally would use because I thought I should probably try that.

NYangel is right; your hair won't stop breaking until you cut it above the point from where it's breaking off.

Meanwhile, your hair needs some help!

Try Wella Restructurizer. I swear, it's a miracle in a bottle. It's heat-activated, though. So, only get it if you use a hairdryer every day; otherwise it's useless.

If you don't use a hairdryer, then try Terax Life Drops. It's a leave-in protein treatment.

You could also ask your salon if they have some kind of an in-salon protein treatment. If they offer Claypac treatments, that stuff is amazing!

Also, are you still coloring your hair at home? Or have you gone to the colorist?

Thanks for the info! My hair is good now. No more coloring at home for me!


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