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Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Well there's some red tones in almost all brunettes. It's just usually the undertone. Which is why you have to process through that stage when you lighten dark hair, or you'll end up red or copper. Oxidation will usually occur from sun, chemicals, washing, etc. Its a chemical reaction that is just a part of hair coloring. You can minimize it by using color protective products, wearing hats outside, etc. It's not THAT big of a change, but you'll notice in a month or so that it'll look a little lighter (might have some auburn tones in there) and might not be as vibrant. I wouldn't worry too much
Ok....that's what I thought it meant. Thanks for the info!!! I won't worry too much about it. As long as it isn't like this reddish orangish color....I'll be fine. But if it turns out like that....OMG someone better be getting me an ambulance cause I'll have a heart attack right there. rofl
Originally Posted by grn_eyed_grl Ok....that's what I thought it meant. Thanks for the info!!! I won't worry too much about it. As long as it isn't like this reddish orangish color....I'll be fine. But if it turns out like that....OMG someone better be getting me an ambulance cause I'll have a heart attack right there. rofl
Nah --- you won't be Carrot Top in 2 weeks, don't worry!!! lol
Although, If you want to go dark --- I would usually suggest going a shade darker than what you're typically looking for. It's not usually that much of a difference shade-wise, maybe a little deeper --- but after the oxidation, it'll be closer to that color you wanted, and you will get more time out of your color, which is better for your hair.

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Nah --- you won't be Carrot Top in 2 weeks, don't worry!!! lol
Although, If you want to go dark --- I would usually suggest going a shade darker than what you're typically looking for. It's not usually that much of a difference shade-wise, maybe a little deeper --- but after the oxidation, it'll be closer to that color you wanted, and you will get more time out of your color, which is better for your hair.

That's why I chose these colors. I want DARK HAIR obviously. But...I dont want it to be too dark to where it looked almost black. I want it to have that pretty brown shine/tint to it. GOsh I'm so excited now!!! I'll let everyone know how it turns out when I do it. It will probably be a little while though. But thanks for your help and thanks to everyone else!!! You guys are wonderful!
First of all, you're friggin gorgeous! You should go and kiss your mother right now for passing on that great skin and incredible eyes!

I also say go for the #43! With your skin tone, your eyes will totally jump out! but....with your long really should go to a salon. I now it's expensive (I paid $150 last time I got mine colored) but what's the good in having a hot new color if it dries/damages/ruins your hair? You really have to baby long hair.
