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Dec 6, 2012
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My fiance gets upset because she believes her hair is thinning. Are there any products or techniques someone could recommend that might help? Any ideas would be great.

Usually thinning hair is a sign that something else is wrong inside. I lost a lot of volume after having my kids. Lack of sleep, improper nutrition, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, obesity, stress and many other factors can contribute to it. Has she recently had a child or had major medical or life changes?

well we have a little girl turning to this month. She does stress a lot and this has been a very stressful time for us both recently. She has been a stay at home mom since our daughter was born. She has always loved to work and never wanted to stay at home. I was recently injured on the job and had to have knee surgery and the company decided not to take me back. She just got a job right before my workers comp was shut off (thank god) but she is working six to seven days a week from morning to night and I am now the stay at home parent temporarily. She loves working but it has stressed her out being away from us a lot. Stress could be a possibility. She did have a hair disaster recently with box hair dye though lol I think she had to dye her hair like three times within two months. I tried to get her to sign up on here yesterday so she could talk about it but I told her I would ask for her. I love this site by the way lol

I would suggest buying some B complex vitamins. As dalylah suggested, it appears to be an internal problem. There could be a nutritional deficiency as well as stress. I take a multivitamin and a B complex and it has helped so greatly with my thin and splitting nails. You have to keep taking it to see progress, but my nails are stong and do not break or split since I've been taking my proper vitamins. It works just as well for hair since nails and hair are very similar in their composition and process.

Stress alone can do that, a physical manifestation. Also the repeated dye jobs. Sounds like she may need a moment to decompress and relax. You could suggest she try Biotin supplements or visit a doctor to rule out actual ailments. I'd start with a bubble bath and glass of wine for a home remedy, lol.

yeah, her mom has been loosing a lot of hair recently due to some medical issues or stress. I would hate to see that happen to her. I really havent noticed it too much until she put her hair up last night and I could see it near her temples and what she calls her baby hairs. Maybe she should take some vitamins. Its not horrible but it is thinner and shes really uncomfortable about it. Shes so beautiful and shes always self conscious with her appearance.

Believe me I try to make her relaxed lol I make sure she gets a full massage every night and she doesnt have to clean or cook a thing. I make sure she feels loved. Its just been a crazy past five months.

Probably just stress, then. Keep up the good work and remind her she's beautiful. Don't forget the bubble bath lol.

will do lol we are both pranksters and the last time I ran her a bath I put a lot of vaselline in it and she came out all greasy, so she may not trust me on that one lol ; )

yeah she doesnt run mine either. Last time that happened she just so happened to apply a nice coat of the extra tingling sun tan lotion to my towel. I was hurting from head to toe lol

My best advice in that case, avoid the hair dye for awhile since it sounds like that may be the culprit. Also remind her that almost all women's hair thins after childbirth so she is certainly not alone.  Encourage her to braid her hair loosely to keep it from tangling, use good conditioners and avoid heat styling unless she is going somewhere important. She can still look really beautiful with simple braids, twists, updos and adornments without ever using a heating or styling product.

Don't lump everything on you either, you don't want to end up losing hair too! Keep taking care of each other... that is truly the most important. Also, invite her to come play with us. We are good at helping each other through stuff here and would love to have her join us too, even if it is just for a bit of relaxation and chat.

Originally Posted by mreese1849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

will do lol we are both pranksters and the last time I ran her a bath I put a lot of vaselline in it and she came out all greasy, so she may not trust me on that one lol ; )
Bahahah this is exactly something my evil husband would do. Naughty men! Although I have to say, silly harmless pranks are a great stress reliever. Laughter heals a lot.

She uses a straightener and hair dryer EVERY morning lol I guess between that and the hair dye its not a very good thing. I dont know a whole lot about dying hair and im the one that usually does it for her lol ive thought about trying to do some research on it. Im the type that likes to research and learn techniques. Shes not really the type to do that. Thats why im on here. I have my own reasons, but I also want to be able to transfer that knowledge to her.

She might want to look into taking Biotin vitamins. After losing my mom a few years ago I was really stressed and ended up losing a lot of hair. I was recommended the Biotin and didn't have to take it for too long before seeing that it was helping. My hair is back to being pretty thick and I don't even take Biotin all the time anymore.

Thank you all so much, I will take all of your advice to heart and hopefully she will be able to be less self conscious with her hair. She is such a beautiful person and deserves to feel as such

Originally Posted by mreese1849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
She uses a straightener and hair dryer EVERY morning lol I guess between that and the hair dye its not a very good thing.
My old roommate used to do this and she has a head of hair that looks like brittle straw now. The good news is hair keeps growing and the scalp and follicles will repair over time with proper care and trimming.

Originally Posted by mreese1849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
She is such a beautiful person and deserves to feel as such
+1 for good hub
