nails nails nails girls. who doesnt want funky nails. forums

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Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
NZ Wellington
Hey again girls, Just wanted to give you all another idea but for nails this time... All you need is: A bright fluro yellow nail polish A dark navy blue nail polish A black nail polish A bright fluro white nail polish And a lot of time. This nail idea was inspired by the cool film of Despicable Me 1 and 2. So all you need to do is... Paint all your nails with the yellow all over. Paint the bottom half blue. On the yellow part do two small circles of black for the eyes. Do two strips of black, one on the left eye towards the left ear, one on the right eye going towards the right ear to make glasses. Then on the middle of the black circles, add two dots of white, to make the pupil part of the eye. It is supposed to look like the cute little minions, but don't worry if it doesn't, because at first mine didn't either. :- The more the practice the better you get... Let me know how it went... Talk soon Courtnee Bluey. :rolleyes:


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