My Shade of Brown February 2013 forums

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Nov 14, 2012
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I see that no one has started a thread yet for the pillow box. I am super excited to get it. I saw that they posted on facebook that they mailed it off today 2/11/13. Post here and let's share our likes and dislikes!

This was my first month's pillow box.  I was really excited until I opened it.  I know it's only $10 a month, but I was expecting a little more. How long have you been receiving them?

Originally Posted by EbonyEyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This was my first month's pillow box.  I was really excited until I opened it.  I know it's only $10 a month, but I was expecting a little more. How long have you been receiving them?
I subbed for one month last year and was very underwhelmed.

Originally Posted by EbonyEyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This was my first month's pillow box.  I was really excited until I opened it.  I know it's only $10 a month, but I was expecting a little more. How long have you been receiving them?
I have been a member for 5 months or so and February 2013 was the absolute worst box ever.  It wasn't worth $10.  I give it maybe $4 because of the false eyelashes, everything were baby samples that you would normally get as freebies anywhere else.  These were by no means deluxe samples, I probably could have done a better job going around beauty counters at a department store.  This box was a total let down.  It's almost as if they didn't confirm any companies for the items in the box and was just giving us scraps.  I was so happy with all the previous boxes, but this box was an epic #FAIL.  I am going to give it another month, if I get two crapy boxes in a row it might be a wrap for me.  

Originally Posted by quene8106 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh wow. This is the first time that I didn't start a msb thread on here, lol. I can't wait to see what is going to be in this box. Hopefully more makeup and skin care this month.
Yes I started it because I was so excited
about what might be in the box.  But as I said in a previous post it was an epic #FAIL.  I cannot believe they sent out that nonsense in comparison to other previous boxes this was a huge let down.  I really only feel like we got one deluxe sample and that was the eyelashes everything else were small samples.  I loved the makeup and actually bought some off the site.  I went back for the mineral powder and there wasn't even an option to buy it.  I actually have gone to the site to purchase a few things only to find out that they weren't in the online store.  Before this month MSB was my favorite subscription service after this month it's dead last.  I have never felt this disappointed about any box I received from a subscription service. 

Originally Posted by Zakiya08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes I started it because I was so excited
about what might be in the box.  But as I said in a previous post it was an epic #FAIL.  I cannot believe they sent out that nonsense in comparison to other previous boxes this was a huge let down.  I really only feel like we got one deluxe sample and that was the eyelashes everything else were small samples.  I loved the makeup and actually bought some off the site.  I went back for the mineral powder and there wasn't even an option to buy it.  I actually have gone to the site to purchase a few things only to find out that they weren't in the online store.  Before this month MSB was my favorite subscription service after this month it's dead last.  I have never felt this disappointed about any box I received from a subscription service. 
Oh, that doesn't sound too good.  Could you post the items under a spoiler please? I hate surprises, lol

Oh and a small butt tin of body butter that I've already lost. Sorry I'm new here so I don't know how to do spoilers lol. I doubt if anyone will be upset with me since there's only like 4 or so of us on this thread
Originally Posted by Zakiya08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh and a small butt tin of body butter that I've already lost. Sorry I'm new here so I don't know how to do spoilers lol. I doubt if anyone will be upset with me since there's only like 4 or so of us on this thread
Oh ok thanks.  I got the black opal primer a few boxes ago so maybe i'll get something in place of it.  That also looks like something from Ada cosmetics. I had that in a few boxes ago too. Ugh, I don't know how to do fake lashes :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Originally Posted by 4evahazeleyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Awww I was thinking about joining but looking at that box I'm not so sure

This is not the norm box that's why I was so disappointed with the box.  I am hoping March's box will be back to normal. 

Originally Posted by quene8106 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh ok thanks.  I got the black opal primer a few boxes ago so maybe i'll get something in place of it.  That also looks like something from Ada cosmetics. I had that in a few boxes ago too. Ugh, I don't know how to do fake lashes :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
Yeah it was such a disappointment. I still have some primer left over from the other box.  I've never done false lashes either, but I guess it's a first for everything.  I am hoping next month's box will be a 100% better.  I guess we will soon see :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
