My puffy hair makes me sick! forums

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I have super thick hair, and it, too, is puffy sometimes. What's helped me a TON is not blow-drying it. Ever. It's been probably two years since I dried it. I let it air dry with a bit of Frizz-Ease or olive oil (tiny bit) or a little gel. It doesn't get puffy. If you want to use a straightener AFTER it's dry, try product that helps to straighten. I use one that is made from hemp. It smells delicious (like cotton candy). I can't think of the brand, but it's in a pink bottle with black lid. I know, no help... (My knees and legs are sore from running ten miles this morning. I'll try to make it upstairs to get the brand. LOL)

if all else fails you could get it chemicaly straighten that would help that way you want have to fuss with it everyday try the japanese one

I have very puffy curly frizzy hair too - what helps me is hair oil - i got some from India but olive oil works just as well. Olive oil is thicker than hair oil so use a SMALL bit. I never ever blow dry my hair - i let it air dry. Even when flat ironing it. It makes a huge huge difference.

-as the ladies said, extra conditioning is good for you

-try to use a hair balmserum for after styling

-mom suggests moisturizing your scalp(just the scalp!) with a few drops of natural-lightweight oil like sweet almonds oil.... but that's just mom!!

i recommend Phyto's Botanical Hair Relaxing Balm, it's very good..


try the sunsilk shampoo in anti poof (the blue bottle) its available at walmart. Use the shamppoo and conditioner, it did wonders for my hair coz i had the same problem. Hope that helps take care

my hair is curly and used to be poofy when i straightened it until i got an expensive iron. i heard the chi or sedu are really good, i bet they would get rid of the poof.
