My PS3 is so cool ........ forums

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Another gamer girl in here! I don't have it... lacking $$$ but I have a Wii, a Gamecube, and a DS. I have posted from my Wii. I've been eyeing the 360 but most of it's games are shooters which I'm not that fond of, plus my bf has one so I get to play his.

Right now I wish I had a 360 though, Assassin Creed looks so awesome.

i am a gamer too... im waiting for the review on the ps3 LAIR game .. i think thats the name!

i would love the wii too... im so greedy!

I love the Wii, but I don't have one
I love the baseball game on Wii Sports, it's so addictive!

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) /img/forum/go_quote.gif We have the XPbox 360, it's pimp in High def Oh fo sho. My boyfriend bought the HD player for it and now hes addicting to buying HDDVDs.
I have it and yes I've accessed MUT with it.

Its actually fun to watch youtube videos with it on my big screen.

I have most consoles that ever came out except for the Xbox consoles (and a few obvious bombs - although I love the dreamcast) - why would I get some paperweight when all the good games get ported to the PC anyway?

Originally Posted by -KT- /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh fo sho. My boyfriend bought the HD player for it and now hes addicting to buying HDDVDs.

Yep, we have the same HDDVD player. Sweetness on the 62 incher
I have seen may of the games for the ps3. They look great. I have a ps2. I really like the god of war games. There is a new one coming out but its for the psp. I dont have that.

I don't have one as I'm not really a gamer. A couple of James's friends have one.

I love my 360, currently waiting on bioshock to be delivered. Will lock myself in when that one comes.

I only have PS2 and Wii and am not too interested in PS3, my PS2 is good enough for now

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Seriously! I miss Super Mario Bros. 3 and Tetris LOL! You can get those games on the DS.
I am too a fan of Mario Bros.

Oh and yeah, I like the Xbox 360 better.
I'm an addict..

Nah... I don't like the PS3 that much. I've tried out my friend's and it's okay. I like my Wii and my boyfriend's as well as his Xbox360. I also don't like the PSP that much. My DS is so much better IMO. Better games too

Oh i also love the looks of LAIR!!!

and also GRAW2 when that does come out here in aus!!

so many games i want but instead been buying blu rays until more games come out!!

Yeah I've been waiting for Gran Turismo forever now... I want it already.

And I want them to start PS3 HOME as well. That thing will rock!


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