Great tutorial and great hair! I do some of the stuff you already mentioned but I will try the others for sure (especially the mousse part ... since I have some and I didnt know when to use it).
wow thanks for this, i always try new ways to keep my curls to stay and i will definitely try this out! by the way, your hair is beautiful and i love the color /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
You have gorgeous hair Carla! Thanks for taking the time to share your tutorial with us! I can see the pictures, but maybe Tony or Leony can resize them.
WOW, that was an awesome tut! i'm definetely going to try it! its so easy. i love your tip about using different sized curling irons, i mean it makes sense because it gives your hair a more natural look all over. i love it!! thanks!!