MOVING OUT! Woot! Any advice? :D forums

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Mar 3, 2012
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asdfghjkl I am so excited. Signing the lease for my FIRST apartment on Sunday!!!! Any advice ladies.

Read the lease carefully.  Landlords can sneak in addendums that if you sign then you might be liable for whatever the addendum was for (in San Diego bedbugs are prevalant and very hard to treat, very expensive and hardy bugs. Landlords have "bedbug addendums" that state when you moved in your unit was free of them, if you get if you have to pay to treat.)  They may pressure you to sign or say Oh just sign this is pretty standard"  but read it through!  Then just go over the unit closely and fill out the move in form! (the one you mark any things wrong you find with the unit so when you move out you are not charged!

Other than that congrats!  Soo exciting to get your own place!  I hope you have good weather for your move!

PS I highly recommend buying yourself a cute new keychain or go to Lowe's or Home Depot and have a cute, fun new key cut to celebrate!  I currenly have a Hello Kitty house key!  Love it!

Originally Posted by Baberanza /img/forum/go_quote.gif

asdfghjkl I am so excited. Signing the lease for my FIRST apartment on Sunday!!!! Any advice ladies.
Originally Posted by lovepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Read the lease carefully.  Landlords can sneak in addendums that if you sign then you might be liable for whatever the addendum was for (in San Diego bedbugs are prevalant and very hard to treat, very expensive and hardy bugs. Landlords have "bedbug addendums" that state when you moved in your unit was free of them, if you get if you have to pay to treat.)  They may pressure you to sign or say Oh just sign this is pretty standard"  but read it through!  Then just go over the unit closely and fill out the move in form! (the one you mark any things wrong you find with the unit so when you move out you are not charged!

Other than that congrats!  Soo exciting to get your own place!  I hope you have good weather for your move!

PS I highly recommend buying yourself a cute new keychain or go to Lowe's or Home Depot and have a cute, fun new key cut to celebrate!  I currenly have a Hello Kitty house key!  Love it!
that's all really good advice!! Thank you soo much! I probably will get a spiffy little key just cuz I'm excited!!

Do it!  You deserve something to celebrate the occassion!

Originally Posted by Baberanza /img/forum/go_quote.gif

that's all really good advice!! Thank you soo much! I probably will get a spiffy little key just cuz I'm excited!!
Great advice from Jenn. Whatever you do, make sure you have a nice spiffy corner for your makeup shrine with proper lighting. Also, cover your floors with nice rugs if you can, especially in the eating and high traffic areas. I am like Susie-spills-a-lot and this has saved me from destroying and ultimately paying for new carpet in past living situations.

Haha dalylah, I love the bit about my makeup shrine, lol. & I actually lucked out - we got a 2 bedroom but its actually a three. Third room = mine too lol

Originally Posted by Baberanza /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haha dalylah, I love the bit about my makeup shrine, lol. & I actually lucked out - we got a 2 bedroom but its actually a three. Third room = mine too lol
Awesome. I have a very wide, short chest of drawers (3 drawers wide) that has a big mirror on it and mounted light strips on the sides of the mirror.  It works perfect as my makeup counter. Can't wait to see what you do with it. You can post it over in stashes once you are all setup.

I know! I keep a majority of my makeup in my bathroom (I know, so unhealthy ;() but ill have space for drawers for makeup now. I now also realize how senseless my comment sounded because I'm typing quick on my phone. My (soon to be!) landlord advertised it as a 2bedroom because she didn't want people with children calling (it's a quiet building and the apartment is above people) so the third bedroom is smaller but it's there. I feel like I can girl out. I already told my boy & our roommate if I find like a cheetah print shower curtain they cannot stop me from putting it up. Haha

congrats! that't so exciting :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. just a tip--definitely take photos or a video of what the apartment looks like before you move in, just in case your landlord tries to keep your deposit. I doubt she will since she sounds pretty nice, but better safe than sorry. also, if you're going to be living in very tight quarters, it's probably good to establish a cleaning schedule--e.g., who's week it is to take out the trash, who's week it is to vacuum communal areas, etc. when I had a larger apartment and only shared with one girl, we never had one or needed it. but when I moved into a tiny hole-in-the-wall with three other girls, it definitely helped keep the place clean! 

Originally Posted by americanclassic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

congrats! that't so exciting :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. just a tip--definitely take photos or a video of what the apartment looks like before you move in, just in case your landlord tries to keep your deposit. I doubt she will since she sounds pretty nice, but better safe than sorry. also, if you're going to be living in very tight quarters, it's probably good to establish a cleaning schedule--e.g., who's week it is to take out the trash, who's week it is to vacuum communal areas, etc. when I had a larger apartment and only shared with one girl, we never had one or needed it. but when I moved into a tiny hole-in-the-wall with three other girls, it definitely helped keep the place clean! 
Yeah, along the lines of the security deposit, that was one of the number one things i've been told. My boyfriend's parents rent their house, and when they moved in, they wrote down everything wrong with the house that they could be charged for and made the landlord sign it!

As far as a cleaning schedule goes, that's brilliant. The kitchen is being redone before we move in and the landlord just told me today she's painting a wall with chalkboard paint so we can draw on it! She was so proud of herself because she thought with our work/school schedules and age it'd be a good communicator (I can't say she's wrong) so that would be a PERFECT place to put who's turn to clean what. plus, i'm living with two guys (boyfriend + a mutual male friend) so I know the roommate isn't used to cleaning like that. I think a schedule would be a fabulous helper. Thanks for the tip. =]
