Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dear condescending lady at the Chanel counter at Macy's:
Yes, I was wearing a skull t-shirt (if you look closely, it's made up of bits and pieces from _Sherlock_, like the violin), jeans, running shoes, and no makeup. It's Sunday, the weather is disgustingly warm and soupy, and I was just there to hit the movie theatre for _The East_, so there was no reason to wear so much as colored lip balm. One of my brother's friends recently asked me how much younger I am than him (answer: I'm three years older, and he still occasionally gets mistaken for someone half his age), so I understand that you may have thought that I was a poor college student. I am very much not a college student. I am in fact probably older than the parents of many of those students. I actually may have bought some stuff if you hadn't hovered like I was going to steal the testers and talked down to me like I had never seen yellow eyeshadow before.
Someone who spends more on makeup than gas
Anyway. Then I went to the women's clearance racks and felt a huge amount of guilt for finding *four* shirts I decided I needed, but then once I hit the cashier stand, I discovered that they were marked down even further than the tags indicated. Two of them were marked down more than 80%. Four nice yet funky tops (one of them should come with tights and go-go boots) I can wear to work for $60! All of them were at least originally $56, and one was $69. Total markdown: $178. I haven't bought a wearable-for-work shirt in a couple of years (I actually can't remember the last time I bought one, so it's entirely possible that hasn't happened since before I started the temp assignment that led to my current job more than three years ago), and for an average of just over $15 per shirt (not to mention an average savings of almost $45 per shirt), I'm okay with the spree. I'm going to try to remember to head to the Macy's downtown tomorrow and check out their clearance racks because there were some tops I wanted but that were not in my size at that store.
(And then I went to Lane Bryant and bought some undies from one of the big sale bins, and then one pair fell out of the bag onto the floor while I was getting the tags off everything to wash it, and one of my cats was extremely interested but very wary of them. Too many unknown people touching them, apparently. He is *petrified* of people who are not me.)
(And I also picked up some bead organizers, and I'm using them to store my loose pigment jars so they don't roll around and shift all over the place inside the boxes I had been using.)