Lacquer Lackey
I think because we are so close to Mexico we have a lot of first generation Americans here so they speak "real" spanish and most of their children are bilingual. I am just a dorky white girl speaking Spanglish so mine is broken for sure. I have grown up here though and mexican foods, language and culture have always been part of my life.Originally Posted by beautymadn3ss /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
See a lot of hispanics living in the US, specially mixed ones have broken Spanish, which I find to be a shame, I've spoken to people that have horrible grammar and just end up speaking spanglish(hispanic ppl).
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I want plates, but Konads are pricey, I've heard they are the best though
Konad plates are pricey but some of the generic ones don't work as well. They are either scratched before you get them or the designs aren't grooved in deep enough.
Yes ma'am. I think my mom might even have a picture of it still. They put me in a kimono, temporarily colored my hair and put it up in a cute bun. I was Cio-Cio San's daughter.Originally Posted by audiophilekate /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Jaw. on. floor. You were in Madama Butterfly?! That's amazing! Since you enjoy dramatic music, would it be safe to assume you like Mozart's Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)? I've had both of the Queen of the Night arias on my music/voice lesson wish list for such a long time. We watched Apocalyptica in class last semester. I don't usually like it when someone messes with classical music, but I really enjoyed Apocalyptica. They sort of reminded me of Rasputina.
Is it easy to do nail stamping? It seems cool, but I'm worried about the possibility of having my occasionally shaky hands mess up my entire awesome manicure.
I love all things Mozart as well as pretty much all other classical. My mom plays the piano very well and she used to play Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky-Korsakov on the piano. I tried a few times but well... yeah lol.
Nail stamping is easy once you get the hang of it. I messed it up the first time or two but now its easy and a great way to add some fast nail art.