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Quote: Originally Posted by DeSha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I hit up the annual CVS beauty clearance sale. Ladies, be sure to check your local CVS for good deals on beauty/cosmetics. I managed to sang eight Sally Hansen polishes for less than 15 bucks. Actually I only paid 7 dollars, but I had some CVS bucks and coupons, lol.

All the polishes were 75% off... insane! I think the cheapest one was .82 cents and the most expensive was 2 dollars. Today was polishes. Tomorrow I am going to scour the lipsticks and eyeliners.

Has anyone else visited their local CVS?

WOOHOO! Thanks for the heads up! For anyone who doesn't know, every year (twice a year) Nouveau Cheap keeps a master list of all products that go on clearance at CVS, so go check there and make a list before you head out (or use a smart phone at the store).

My last purchase...I won a couple of auctions on facebook for two brand spanking new BH Cosmetics palettes, and only paid $20 for both! OMG! I am so happy and excited!

Quote: Originally Posted by DonnaJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My last purchase...I won a couple of auctions on facebook for two brand spanking new BH Cosmetics palettes, and only paid $20 for both! OMG! I am so happy and excited!
Nice!! Be sure to posts some pics

I haven't gotten them yet, I just paid for them yesterday, but was so excited I had to post about it right away. lol The two palettes are the Jenni Rivera one, which has 36 shadows and 6 blushes. And the other is the day and night one with 60 eyeshadows.

I haven't gotten them yet, I just paid for them yesterday, but was so excited I had to post about it right away. lol The two palettes are the Jenni Rivera one, which has 36 shadows and 6 blushes. And the other is the day and night one with 60 eyeshadows.
Congrats! I have the coastal scents 28 neutral (which I hear is the same as bh) & I love their shadows! Great quality.
Quote: Originally Posted by rachelshine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just got my ModCloth BF order, yay! 

Wow!  Those are all great.  Love every one of them.

I ordered the Naked 3 and Too Faced ready set prime from Sephora. Plus I used the BI coupon, free mystery bag, birthday gift, and of course the three free samples. I was so nervous it wouldn't go through but it loaded like lightning. YAY!!!

Whooo Hoooo, Naked 3!! So excited! Thank you to whoever posted it was available! $32 with the $20 off which I totally forgot to do when I first placed the order and then called to fix it and they were really sweet about it. I was so psyched I forgot, what a ditzy move!! Thank Goodness I had someone willing to help me, that does not always happen with Sephora CS. But now it's done and I'm thrilled. Sigh, I can sleep now. Well, except for knowing if Too faced is worth doing the mystery bag, I shouldn't since I did naked but that usually doesn't stop me......

Quote: Originally Posted by rachelshine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @LuckyMoon thanks :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :) 

Annnnd I just got Naked 3 with my Sephora GC + VIB 10% = $30 shippd, holllller

NIIIIIIIICE! Way to play the system, hehehe!

Certainly not as exciting as Naked 3, but I ordered a bunch of stuff from elf a while back and it finally arrived (I have to have it shipped to a friend in New York and he brings it to me whenever he comes to Montreal)

Hi you guys, 1st post! I'll do an intro thread later

I fought on the mac website yesterday and left with the highly coveted pleasure bomb and riri woo holiday lipsticks, the love rihanna bronzer, and an eye palette but I forgot which one lol. waiting on delivery! super excited

so those were my last purchases!

It's been a long while since I posted, so I thought I'd share a few of my recent purchases. (Recent meaning over the past few months. I tend to split my orders up so I can use more discounts/promo codes.) :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by DeSha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I hit up the annual CVS beauty clearance sale. Ladies, be sure to check your local CVS for good deals on beauty/cosmetics. I managed to sang eight Sally Hansen polishes for less than 15 bucks. Actually I only paid 7 dollars, but I had some CVS bucks and coupons, lol.

All the polishes were 75% off... insane! I think the cheapest one was .82 cents and the most expensive was 2 dollars. Today was polishes. Tomorrow I am going to scour the lipsticks and eyeliners.

Has anyone else visited their local CVS?

Great haul! makes me wish I was near a CVS.

Quote: Originally Posted by DonnaJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My last purchase...I won a couple of auctions on facebook for two brand spanking new BH Cosmetics palettes, and only paid $20 for both! OMG! I am so happy and excited!
Congrats on the great deals.

Quote: Originally Posted by rachelshine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just got my ModCloth BF order, yay!

Those leggings are adorable.

Quote: Originally Posted by rachelshine /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @LuckyMoon thanks :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :)

Annnnd I just got Naked 3 with my Sephora GC + VIB 10% = $30 shippd, holllller

Great haul!

Quote: Originally Posted by elfbarbie07 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I ordered the Naked 3 and Too Faced ready set prime from Sephora. Plus I used the BI coupon, free mystery bag, birthday gift, and of course the three free samples. I was so nervous it wouldn't go through but it loaded like lightning. YAY!!!


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