Mine is about my first ever period. Complete hell, I might add. I was at a week long bible camp with stingy old ladies and mean teenage girls, I was 12. It was the day before the last day of camp and at morning worship, I had these really bad pains (I thought I had to pee) and I went to the bathroom, but the pains didn't go away. So my day continued on, and after dinner, the person in charge of the youth told us the we were going to play a game in the forest. Well, this game was going to take a while, so I went to the bathroom and saw the teeniest little red dot on my underwear. And then I looked down and there was this giant booger thing with some red on it hanging from my body (GROSS!). For some reason I just said to myself, "hmm, looks like I've got my period." and went straight to the game. I must of thought that it wasn't happening or it was something else. So I played the game, and my team won
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />, so I was in a good mood. But I had to go to the bathroom again. I get to the bathroom and the spot was a little bigger. I was sitting in the stall and in the next stall I heard someone opening a pad. I had never heard that noise ever, but by the grace of God somehow I knew it was a pad. Now, I'm an overly shy person. I have like one friend. Somehow I mustered up the courage to ask this girl if I could have a pad because I had started my period, and she was just like "Yeah, sure. If you need more, come find me." I said thank you, and went to put it on. It must have been a maxi pad, it was SO THICK! By now, the shock had worn off and reality had come back to me. I walk back to my cabin and sit on my bed, then I start shaking. I was horrified. My counselor asked me if I was ok, and I told her that I started my period. And saying it caused my to burst into tears. The head counselor comes in and starts talking to everyone else in my cabin while my counselor calls my mom. If I had it my way, my mom would still not know to this day that I have my period. My mom wanted to talk to me to see if I was ok and tells me she's coming to get me tomorrow morning. So I'm stuck in this cabin with five 12 yearold girls, staring at me, while hearing the head counselor talk about other times girls got their period at camp. I did not want the other girls to know what was going on with me. I don't think any of them had gotten their periods, so they didn't need to know. The next morning, my mom got me straight away, but of course, I had to go to the bathroom. We get to a grocery store and I go to the bathroom, and I'm a hot mess. The pad barely absorbed anything, and it felt like I had 3 pairs of underwear in my pants because of the giant pad. I wanted to die. Then my mom asks me if she needs to buy me some "stuff". I can't say anything, I just want my nightmare to be over. So we're in the car driving home, and all of her friends start calling her and she starts speaking in "code" about what happened to me! I was furious!! I did not want them to know either! It was possibly the most horrific day of my life so far. I don't know if I will ever be able to get over the horror