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OOoh I love the TAPS show, of course I always get freaked out after watching it. I'm thankful my boss just got back now, I was alone at work reading this....eeeks! Freaky stuff, but I can't stay away!

I have worked in a store where it was haunted and everyone working there had seen the ghosts etc. I also lived in a haunted house. Pretty interesting how many people see ghosts, I never really talk about it.

I don't wanna see one ever in my life hahaha. But if they help you Ricci then it's pretty cool though.

Wow creepy! They do say ghosts come across as electrical activity and when I was a kid I used to experience weird stuff like that all the time when my parents would go on a trips. Light bulbs around the house would start to burn out daily, and the tv would flip out and lower and raise the volume on its' own, crazy stuff. I've never experienced it anywhere except in the house I grew up in though.


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