Mixing coconut and olive oil...

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Thanks for this post. Im going to try it sometime. Can you buy coconut oil at walmart if not where I can I find it? I really need something to help my hair. Its sooo frizzy and its really annoying.

i don't know about walmart as i'm french lol, but check organic stores. indian shops might also be a good bet.

i'm buying my coconut oil on a website called aroma zone (here's the address if you want to visit it : Aroma-Zone : aromathérapie et huiles essentielles chémotypées, HEBBD et HECT). it's organic so it's kinda expensive, but great quality and great shipping too, at least in France. they ship internationally but don't sell their whole catalogue, just some EO and carrier oils, so if you wanna order, you'll have to go on the french version, where you'll find their whole range of products.

I'd like to know where to buy it as well? Is it mainly healthfood stores- or will a drugstore sells this as well? thanks!

Originally Posted by greeneyedangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'd like to know where to buy it as well? Is it mainly healthfood stores- or will a drugstore sells this as well? thanks! i guess you can find it in drugstores, i know mine don't sell that stuff. i'd say check your nearest drugstore first, then search in a healthfood store.
check also online, usually the websites selling EO sell also vegetable oils. i was thinking maybe of Mother Earth?

lol, here's a tip i use almost daily : if you don't find something in your regular store, check a healthfood store, they'll have it
. especially if you're curious and don't mind natural products or eating vegan once in a while
