Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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I now appreciate my insanely gigantic stash of products I will never be able to use up in time.

Guess we were all smart to have hoarded them after all.
@@LisaLeah Haha! Yes!  I have enough for me, my sisters, mom, aunts, cousin and every female I work with at this point.  I can get us all through the Zombie Apocalypse with gorgeous skin. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I received my last box today and tbh looking at my stash I have enough for years
Me too! I put everything that expires this year in a plastic tub in my bathroom so I can try to use it up. I also put everything that expires in 2017 in a big plastic tub and put it in the closet so I won't be tempted to open any of it. Although there are lots of things in that tub that I would like to try, but I just have to wait.

Still got 7 things to come from Memeland - the valentine bundle (3), Shara shara, Velieve, Korea's most wanted 2 and the spider pack. Thought that would have arrived today but might appear tomorrow. Sooo tempted by the Innisfree website at the moment but worried I'll get whacked for VAT on arrival (and that damned £12 letter to say I've got a payment to make). I don't have a problem paying the VAT but do object to them charging an obscene amount for the card when they are just holding the parcel at the local depot :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> utter rip off.

So..trying hard to resist as not like I actually need anything now...or in a years time...or perhaps two..

Just realised that memebox cs are not even sure of basics... I sent an email about the lippy which has an expired date and got a reply back saying it was a sell by date....

Why would a manufacturer put a sell by date on their product... A use by date I understand because it covers their butts but not a sell by date.

Indeed even if it was a sell by date... Why are they selling after?

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Just got an email for a collaboration box with Yeondukong. Any thoughts?

memebox yeondukong box.jpg

Also $5 off USA shop and Memebox XO orders over $50 with code "fabfive"

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Just realised that memebox cs are not even sure of basics... I sent an email about the lippy which has an expired date and got a reply back saying it was a sell by date....

Why would a manufacturer put a sell by date on their product... A use by date I understand because it covers their butts but not a sell by date.

Indeed even if it was a sell by date... Why are they selling after?
That's the most ridiculous explanation I ever heard, "sell by date"!!!

For those that have ordered the valentines bundle, looks like they shipped today as just had DHL text and looks like its been picked up from the warehouse...actually excited about this one as really, really, REALLY hoping its going to be amazing (yes, yes...I know, it'll be mediocre at best but I can dream).

Looks like Best Beauty Forward spoilers are now up on Instagram and FB...
I will have to take a look!  thanks

Just got an email for a collaboration box with Yeondukong. Any thoughts?

The first thing I thought was that she was 12! haha  She is so cute and very young looking (she is actually 25)    I am not a fan of cream sticks either.  If folks love those colors, mememakeup is really good - I purchased one of their lip crayons, eyeliners and a couple of the eyeshadows, so it isn't a bad deal.  I just don't care for the colors they picked, plus the cream blush sticks - nope.  I am surprised they didn't put in the contour sticks - as she also has those on memebox-korea

They have 2 more collaborators on memebox-korea that I think we might be seeing soon as well

So Young - who has a concealer, some eyestick cream shadows,   lip & cheek colors in a doe applicator

Da Yeong (her line is called XO Black Line, cause all of the packaging is black, maybe?)  - she has lipsticks, powder blushes, stick foundation, foundation brush

Out of these 3 collaborators, I am most interested in Da Yeong's line - I am tempted by So Young's eyestick shadows as well.

 She is very young looking isn't she :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20"> When I saw the box, I thought of it being really cute for younger girls. I'm sure my daughter would love it. Luckily she doesn't see it plus she is really too young to wear any makeup. I think the colors wouldn't work with me. Thanks for the other recommendations. They look interesting. I also like the black packaging.

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I recently received my Mystery box and I'm curious did everyone get different items in their Mystery boxes? Cause I've seen pictures of what other ppl got and, what I have in mine aint anywhere near the same.. :/

I recently received my Mystery box and I'm curious did everyone get different items in their Mystery boxes? Cause I've seen pictures of what other ppl got and, what I have in mine aint anywhere near the same.. :/
They were different. Some better than others...mine was utter rubbish and not worth the money paid.

One would think they'd put the same items in all boxes, mystery or not..
They were what was left in the warehouse from previous boxes so they didnt have enough to put the same into each box. More of a grab bag of items thrown into the box. Some people got lucky and received as least one good product...others (like myself) received 4 really rubbish items like the underarm moisturiser pads or even razor blades!!

I think it was assumed they would be different when they said it would contain 4-5 items. If they knew what was in it and they were all the same box they wouldn't have given a range of quantity. 

Wonder what happened with the unsold boxes and will the U.S. boxes only contain mehmeh's brand items? If so why bother? Did anyone else buy their gel eyeliners and have a problem with them making your eyes sensitive?

I am really missing Memebox.

Without the international offerings it's not even the same company anymore.

I have a bunch of points in my account and literally there is nothing to spend them on.

I know. I hope they are just regrouping and surprise us.  I hope it won't be just the collaborator stuff.
