Gotta say, with Memebox going US-only the shenanigans have to stop. You know which ones: illegal outside of Utopia contests/sweepstakes/raffles; using very obvious, famous product containers on box images (minus the words)--signaling to newer people that they're going to get a premium product that's not in the box (even with a disclaimer we all know that's shady); all the copyright infringement stuff. In my mind, the bar is set at a completely different level now that they're going full-US and presumably have a fully US staff.
Between the bar suddenly going up and the prices of the boxes no doubt needing to rise on account of a lot of factors (including working with US pricing set by their suppliers) I am not particularly optimistic about Memebox's long-term success right now. I said that I'd give them til the end of January to get their mess sorted out, but here we are...and they're still a mess. So, yet again, we're back to Tyra.

Between the bar suddenly going up and the prices of the boxes no doubt needing to rise on account of a lot of factors (including working with US pricing set by their suppliers) I am not particularly optimistic about Memebox's long-term success right now. I said that I'd give them til the end of January to get their mess sorted out, but here we are...and they're still a mess. So, yet again, we're back to Tyra.