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I've screenshotted it... Now what to do with it lol.

I wonder if that is how they feel about that particular value set.

Sorry am tired and going around in circles

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Received e-mail from Memebox regarding box value sets-immediately clicked on link thinking yes, finally!  Memebox is listening to their customers.  Realized there's a cost of $18.99 which is not a free upgrade to express shipping and the boxes are $29, not $23.  While contemplating purchasing boxes at a higher price, I decided to check out MUT which confirmed yet again that Memebox does not know how to properly word their advertisements.  Aggravated.  I tried to buy the Wine and Cheese and Chocolate Mania value sets this morning and the site kept charging shipping twice.  I didn't place the order because I didn't want to try to get my money back for the $30 in shipping fees.  By the time I got to work they were sold out.  I have decided this is a sign that I have too many beauty products and I should simply enjoy/use them.  My annoyance immediately faded as soon as I read @@Lorna ljblog's post about the Snow "*****" box value set and I laughed out loud.  You ladies are a hoot and your posts are highly entertaining!    

I'm so sad/annoyed I missed up super early to check the BOX page, had a quick browse through there and thought 'welp, maybe tomorrow will be more chocolatey' and got on with my day...

And then later checked back to find it was hiding out in the VALUE SETS, and of course sold out in zero seconds.

If only I'd checked that page too! I would've got it. I didn't knooooooow. Sigh.

End whine.

Maybe tomorrow will bring a Lucky 5 set? That's the only other I wanted.

So I posted all the info about changing review stars (seriously, look at the reviews for the waxing box versus the stars given by each of those reviewers) over at the FB group. And just like magic, that group's Memespy suddenly starts posting over there, which she rarely does. I asked her directly about changing review stars and deleting negative reviews. Let's see what happens when they CAN'T delete a social media question about their shadiness.

Thank you guys for posting about this. So much. This was the straw that broke my damned back. If I could cancel today's order I would. I'm appalled at this.

I wasn't sure what you meant about the review stars, thought maybe they were deleting negative reviews or something, so went to check it out.


I can't believe I'm seeing these terrible reviews all miraculously with 5 stars?? What the hell do they think that is going to do other than make customers loose even more trust in this company? We trust that when we submit a review, good or bad, it will not be altered. That is so unethical... Unless they can come up with some reasoning or fix it and blame some technical glitch (and it's actually believable), I'm not sure I'll be purchasing from them again. That is just so wrong.

Apparently on the Cleopatra box they just deleted the negative reviews. What happened with the waxing box would be hilarious if it weren't so incredibly shady and unethical. 

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I'm just sitting here having my Memebox pity party. I've either stayed awake or set the alarm to wake up at 2 am for the restocks all week only to have such a lackluster offering of boxes, have boxes sold from out of my cart, etc. and then to add insult to injury, miss the W&C, Snow White, and chocolate mania "boxes" this morning that I've really been wanting because I was foolishly trying to dress and feed my children and get them off to school rather than stalk the Memebox pages (and where did they say anything about their big "box party" being value sets?). I may resign myself to never getting my hands on that Bounce Cheese Cream or a Mangchee product or I may be a glutton for punishment and hope for a Luckybox #5 in the wee houre of the morning tomorrow as a consolation prize. I totally came into Memebox at the wrong time (Nov/Dec.) Sad for what could have been.....

I feel your pain @@happysubber23! I've been staying up late at night as well this week hoping to get the much coveted  w&c and choco boxes only to find out after finally going to bed and getting up this morning that I missed them in their value set reincarnation. I guess I will just chalk it up to a bad memebox week. (My boxing day special #2 box made it all the way to Chicago and then decided to catch a plane to Germany. I've been rejected by an inanimate object. Sigh...)

I'm hoping that memebox will put an effort into wowing us with the restock in a few hours and with exciting boxes/value sets (and memespies "I cream myself" does not count) on the last day of their "customer appreciation week" . But with all their shady dealings coming to light, almost nonexistent vip perks, plus the whole reincarnating coveted memeboxes as value sets that sell out in seconds has put a huge damper on my memebox addiction. Oh well ...

Stella, we must be neighbors (I'm in the Chicago 'burbs) and I hope that BF#2 finds its way back to you. That looked like such a great box. I must say that earning VIP status as of this month has been quite the let down. Not even sure how to use the so called "perks" that I now have.

I bet its Oh My Lips and Makeup Edition 3.  Those two boxes (and some others I think) are not on the Box Party page but are in stock.

Grrrr they changed it. Back to Snow White but I will forever know it by its weekend name

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So where are we meant to watch today? New boxes, big box sale, sold out boxes, value sets...seriously, can they not just keep it in the one place at least!


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