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I guess this is it now.  No good coupons, promo's, no response on memepoint reviews, and 39.00 boxes with 4-5 items.

I wonder why this " new box" isn't even in the new Box section?

Also, the total price is included @ $39.. The shipping is free; clearly stated as a " free shipping" item.

Too bad I have dupes by other brands of most items and hate luminizing gels/ creams on my face, even Neogen's would not be desirable.

Urg.. I just googled the items. The first three items are from older boxes from around August or so. The Dermakey one has been around for a while too.. I was going to get it but now. .. no.. 

the shipping isn't free if they state the box is $33.00 and the price tag is $39.00 - just saying

They changed their description since when they initially offered it.  Lorna and I both saw it at $33.00. When I posted this on my blog, I copied it from their site, and I have it at 33.00 so now I will have to change it...sigh

They aren't really offering free shipping.

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Urg.. I just googled the items. The first three items are from older boxes from around August or so. The Dermakey one has been around for a while too.. I was going to get it but now. .. no.. 
Thought so. Not a new idea in their heads any longer. Just shove it out and think we will buy.. NOPE.

For the first time since Mask Box 2, I don't have any Memeboxes coming for me. Nothing to be shipped, nothing in transit. I picked up my last one, Luckybox 10 at the post office (didn't even need my ID, the postal worker said they remember me and my pink bubble mailers) and now there's nothing else. It's a weird feeling.

For the first time since Mask Box 2, I don't have any Memeboxes coming for me. Nothing to be shipped, nothing in transit. I picked up my last one, Luckybox 10 at the post office (didn't even need my ID, the postal worker said they remember me and my pink bubble mailers) and now there's nothing else. It's a weird feeling.
I'm in the same boat. Feels very anticlimactic.

Put me in the "disenchanted with the 'box party' restocks/membox in general" camp.  They are just happening too late for me and I'm not going to go out of my way each night for the likes of Waxing and the Nail boxes.  Especially if they can't do it in a sensible, all in one push at a set time in a set place.

Of course there is one box I am DYYYYYYIIIING for.  I'd seriously pay someone to get it for me and ship to my address...  But of course it is the one we are will all be trying to snap up.  *sigh*  I'm not going to get up in the middle of the night just to be disappointed.  (sorry, having bad attitude)

Is the general customer service email the best way to get review points that haven't been credited to my account? I submitted one review about two weeks ago and a second just over a week ago and neither have been credited to my account.

I'm not dying to buy any Memeboxes right now but if they ever give me those points I'll have 15, which is about half of the cost of a box. Or a third at the new prices...

^What box? If I happen to be up when it's restocked I'll grab it for you no problem. I'm sure some others would be happy to do so too.

For me, "that box" would be that with the Nuganic Customize Sunblock or Palan Hair Essence. I'd gladly pay for the entire box if it means I could get my hands on them. So if anyone catches an extra restock of a box with one of these items in it... let me know.

Otherwise, I can't say there's a whole lot I care about. I just want my review points ASAP so I can get an item from the Memeshop or two and get out.

^ @@bluefintuna, no one's been getting their review points as far as I know. I've been waiting for over 20 days now.

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@@Bunbunny Lucky Box #5.  Seriously, if someone in the US would be up for it... Though I'm not sure I trust Memebox to not horribly wreck the shipping label for an order purchased by one person and shipped to another (I like how *that's* my concern in this situation)

@@bluefintuna No one has gotten review points since last year.  I think they're not doing the program anymore now that they've switched affiliate programs.  That's my guess anyway.
