@@TonyaBeans as far as I know it has never been restocked. I follow all restocks closely and I don't believe I've ever seen it.
the restock is on the F/W Natural box, a very glittery box. The F/W 2014 box is the ones with the greens & purplesIt wasn't a bad box... Just a bit glittery
thank you!!Woke up at 5am but didn't see anything, other than Soothing Sista, that was on my Meme Wishlist I put together. I suppose that's a good thing./emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
@@biancardi - Finally (really) going through all the boxes I received in December and putting together a care package for you. I'm dying to get the Christmas decorations down and up in the attic but had a dozen pink boxes under the tree. As they came in I just kept throwing them under there as I had no where else to put them. I should have taken a photo, it was kind of cute!
ETA: I also think it was you that mentioned the Daltokki Facial Scrub was harsh. My goodness, is it! Decided to try it in the shower this morning, desperately trying to put off opening my 5 Seeds Apple Scrub, making sure not to let and sit and my face is still on fire! This stuff is headed to the bin for sure.
I hope so too. They seem to have listed a lot of boxes on their sold out pages that weren't there before (or at least, I don't remember seeing them!) so does that mean they are going to stock those again or are they just pretending they've had lots and lots of boxes sold out for all the newbies that might have joined the party and thought "wow...look at all those boxes!"@Alidolly I hope they are going to release more boxes this week, instead of just one day...
1) http://ushelp.memebox.com/hc/en-us/articles/202722785-REVIEW-POINTSHi girls
I´m memeaddicted since summer, and I read your post to follow your opinions and see spoilers
thanks for all your work!
This morning I try to buy somebox from the restock but it where imposible they were sold while i registed....
I have hopes for a snowwhite restock,.....
Anyway, I hesistate about two questions
1. when your write reviews you get memepoints? I get the ones when i registered and no more points, and I read you usually use points when you buy, so I wonder how you get it
2. How do you know how many boxes left? I read some girl saying this box has only x boxes... I see my page and dont know how to look!
So I don't get this... Isn't this just a USAshop exclusive value set masquerading as a memebox?Only four products and $39 but with VIP you can get it for $31. Not a bargain at all.