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It's great to see other companies jumping into the fray, well except KPop box or whatever it was called, what a nightmare. I wonder if she's gonna put out another, have you heard?

I placed 300.00 in orders with TK since the first part of December, they're filling the void!
I've always loved TesterKorea, more so than any other site, but now my love has only grown into obsession. I'm broke right now but I've spent hours on the site filling up my wishlist so I can be ready when I have money again LOL

I've always loved TesterKorea, more so than any other site, but now my love has only grown into obsession. I'm broke right now but I've spent hours on the site filling up my wishlist so I can be ready when I have money again LOL
I feel ya, I lise hours to that site daydreaming about what I can't buy and really dont need! I'm broke now too, Christmas and then all three of my kids have january birthdays in the same week! Couldn't have planned that if I tried!

Also I won the Nightingale tuning laser from the last round of "give me stuff" on MB. So watch your mail ladies. It's my fourth win. I don't really understand how to use it, it's a bunch of fruit acids I think and my face is a bit burn-y at the moment. Definitely don't trust MB directions for their products. I looked on there for the directions for the Apple and Egg Todak Todak pack and they said to use it as a sleep pack! Lol, it's alien green and dries to a clay pack consistency. A whole lot of nope. Other sites had it correct. Anyway, off to work. Have a beautiful day everybody.

A question regarding reviews - I have two accounts with Memebox but the only one I purchased on the second account was Cleopatra. When I submit my review, can I put the email for my main account so all of my points are in one place?
Yep! Just check the box that says "this box was a gift" and put in the order number.
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Didnt notice they'd increased the prices of those 1+1 offers. SERIOUSLY!?! How rubbish is that! So the "free" shipping is actually a price increase of several dollars. The memelove was waning big time but that's just sneaky. I'll spend my 9 points at some point but I'm disgusted by their recent antics so I'm out. Off to TesterKorea as they have a MUCH bigger selection, listen to their customers, respond relatively quickly and package their products better anyway.

Thanks for the answers! I'm hoping I can put in my last two reviews and use them to buy one more box some point in the future and then I'll probably part ways with Memebox for a while.

I have to stop telling myself that I have a different skin type. I am overloaded on moisture products at the moment and all of my incoming Memeboxes seem to be moisture based. I already had to re-home my Global 18 and Moisture Surge restock. I should probably let go of all the rest of my individual products as well.

I'm sure if everyone here tossed all their unusable Memeproduct up on a single website or curated our own box with them, we'd blow Memesales out of the water.

Ok, so that Nightingale Toning Laser that MB sent me. My fault for trusting their very spare directions, I slapped it on all silly nilly. Wrong. Frickin. Plan. It was a little burny feeling so after about a half hour I was gonna finish my skincare and go to work. Look in the mirror, hello tomato face, called dermatologist after looking up the REAL directions translated on another site. Apparently medical strength fruit acids, lactic acid, etc. Mah face is resurfaced alright-Real good. Slapped four thick layers of aloe (thank God for that big tub), my skin drank it in. Derm said to come in if redness doesn't subside in an hour.

LOL!! Adventures in skincare.

Edit: you're only supposd to leave it for a minute or two and then do a sheet mask followed by serum, etc. Hope my skin looks GREAT tomorrow.

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Oh ouch Krystyn! Hope your face settles down and is ok with no permanent damage done. That's the one thing that worries me about not being able to read the instructions and looking like a tomato for a week...and having to explain to people what happened!

Just saw a comment on Facebook when someone asked about boxes and Memebox has said coming soon. So, we may get a new release on Friday after all. I reckon it'll be a New Year box with very vague "theme". Will see though. Part of me just wants to get rid of the 9 points and be done with them completely, but am going to miss the pink boxes being delivered... :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm going to miss box deliveries too! I received my Cleopatra and long-awaited Tea Tree over the weekend and now have no more on the way. And once I write my reviews for these two boxes I'll have 15 points.

Seeing as global 19 ships this month they should think about selling it damn soon as it was only available in the bundle. I need to get one for a friend . I got the bundle . But a box bundle of global series again I could use points on . and it would be better than a colour box for sure .

I finally got my first box (Wonder Woman) last week. I really like the products and it was a good value, but in general the boxes seem to be hit-or-miss. As much fun as it is to get a surprise, I think I'd rather spend my money on testerkorea or beautynetkorea and pick what I want, even if the "value" of the products isn't as high for what I pay. If they release any more fun boxes (the food ones seem to be pretty good) I might purchase them, but until then I'm going to buy my own things.

Got Winter Essential Masks today -- my last box that I was expecting.

and I got the Moisturizing Rire Patting Water -- ugh. The only one I didn't want!
Looks like there is a new box, Night Care. 

Other than sleeping beauty, how many other night boxes have their been? I'll admit I'm tempted but I'd like to see other unboxings first. 

@@UberClaire, that's the one I wanted so of course I got Brightening which was the one I least wanted. 

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I thought about getting that Night Care box, but it says it's also for hair and I absolutely do not need any sort of hair mask at all. I *do* need a new night cream because mine is almost out, but I don't know... I also have the next couple of Lucky boxes coming, so I'm guessing there will be repeats.

Of course and that's the one I most wanted! It doesn't even make sense for me to try and swap/sell it -- the shipping would be huge on that sucker, haha.
That's what I'm thinking too. I don't know if it would be worth it to try to swap/sell it, but Canadian postage costs are always high, so it might not be any different than just about any other thing I've tried to sell. 


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