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If you paid with a credit card, I would ask for a refund now.  If you used PayPal I'm afraid you may be SOL; their protection limit is 45 days.
I bet memebox CS gets tons of emails about their package missing, when it is only a few days since they shipped it out.  I would respond and tell them that it has been 46 days - six weeks (and bold it) and it isn't a few days longer.

also, I think paypal has extended protection to 180 days and tell them you will open up a dispute with paypal or your credit company
I paid with my CC, not paypal, so I should be okay there. I did respond with an "oh hell no" kind of response (but was still polite!). Hopefully they'll respond positively--if not, I'll let them know that I'm going to start a charge-back request. It's just so incredibly frustrating since I was actually patient and waited a full 6 weeks before contacting them :/

So, I contacted Memebox about a Memeshop order that shipped on November 3 and still has tracking from USPS that says the origin point is preparing the shipment. After I emailed them 3 times, they finally replied and told me that shipping is taking "a few days longer" than normal. It's been 46 days <_<   I am losing my patience.
I opened a Paypal dispute last week, and escalated it to a claim yesterday. My package has been missing since November 12th.  Memebox answered only my initial email (and it was a "check with USPS!" response, nothing more helpful than that), and has not responded back to me in 10 days despite many emails from me (I even tried to reach out to them on Facebook).  They didn't even respond to the Paypal dispute, which is why I lost all patience and escalated it to a claim. 

Super done with their CS.

I think miraculously I'm over my meme addiction.  It has just gotten sadder and sadder as each box comes in with only 5 items now.  I just can't justify the cost with shipping per box for 5 items that are sometimes a 1 time use mask and 4 unknown items that I may or may not like, may or may not need, may or may not already own, or may or may not be expiring soon.  I think we all are starting to realize this ship has sailed.  I am very happy that I was here for some of the great days when it was an incredible deal and loved almost every box I got.  Now its rare that I even like a box, can't remember the last one I loved.

7 or 8 items yeah its worth the gamble and the cost, 4 or 5 no. JMO

You know how a lot of companies have different levels for their rewards? I wonder what Memebox's levels would be. Like VIP, Addict, etc.

All I know is I, along with a few of you other ladies, would probably be at "Investor" level.

And Memebox has lost a lot of us investors lately.

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Look at how many people are the opposite of excited for a new memebox. What a sad state we are in :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


I finally have time to catch up on this thread! Whew! Christmas break for the schools and my parting gift from my students is....... the flu!

Oh, and my tea tree box is still missing.

Does anybody remember, is it 30 days after being shipped I can file my paypal claim? This is stupid that my no value, expensive box is missing.

Oh, and my tea tree box is still missing.

Does anybody remember, is it 30 days after being shipped I can file my paypal claim? This is stupid that my no value, expensive box is missing.
Mine has not yet shown up in the US either... I also have a box that shipped 11/11 that hasn't shown up :/

Look at how many people are the opposite of excited for a new memebox. What a sad state we are in :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


I finally have time to catch up on this thread! Whew! Christmas break for the schools and my parting gift from my students is....... the flu!
I know, it really says a lot doesn't it? When someone mentioned a new box today, I cringed.

I really would prefer they did no boxes until they could offer us good boxes.

No temptation then at least. 

I know, it really says a lot doesn't it? When someone mentioned a new box today, I cringed.

I really would prefer they did no boxes until they could offer us good boxes.

No temptation then at least. 
I didn't cringe, but I wasn't interested either.  I've gotten my last "mystery" boxes from Memebox that I had ordered and now just have one of the holiday gift sets ordered, the latest Benton one.  I waffled over the Milkydress Rose one and missed it, darn it.  But it's all OK.

FYI, I am now dealing with Gwen on the Memebox team, and she seems as though she is going to get this resolved for me.  Apparently the person who initially answered my email went on vacation and so all my subsequent emails were just...sitting there?  Or something? Gwen indicated that my correspondence was not accessible to the rest of the CS team.

I'm relieved to finally have someone looking in to this and taking care of me! I will be happy to close the Paypal dispute if this can get solved outside of it. 

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Oh, and my tea tree box is still missing.

Does anybody remember, is it 30 days after being shipped I can file my paypal claim? This is stupid that my no value, expensive box is missing.
To the best of my knowledge paypal allows you to open a dispute 7 days after paying for an order. Paypal expects sellers to ship within 7 days and doesn't like presales. I think the most important thing would be to not let your buyer protection run out. If memebox won't take care of the problem, file with paypal. 

It just really angers me how shabbily they are treating us, especially VIPS who were their bread and butter customers.  Frankly, even though they've drastically reduced the quality AND quantity of their boxes, I'd probably still be loyal enough to buy boxes or value sets IF they still gave us VIPs the 20% off code.  Since they took that away too, they can go into bankruptcy in short order as far as I'm concerned.  I think they have a hell of a nerve changing the standard VIP privileges we had and probably never will again.  It seems like any advantages we had (like ordering value sets with 3 or 4 boxes in them and one shipping fee is gone forever.  All the special wonderful perks about this site were stripped one by one and nothing given back in return except endless CPM2 repeats.  Don't know if I'm more angry or more sad over the situation.  I just don't see any of these changes really helping their bottom line in the long run

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I was initially really pissed that Memebox stopped releasing boxes as often as they use to then took away VIP perks and now I look at my Memebox pile and I don't care so much any more, I've learnt a lot about Korean beauty products, enough that I'm quite confident shopping for my own products online.

I've also discovered this wonderful community, and I know I can always ask the girls here for advice if I'm not sure about something.

I also have a lot of spare money.

If Memebox releases a box that I absolutely can't resist I will buy it, that won't change as long as they make boxes but if they release boxes that I'm interested in but can live without I probably won't buy them because I'm a big order girl and I like value sets, since they seem to be a thing of the past I will only buy the things that I REALLY want.

I'm not mad at Memebox anymore, if they want to change their business model then that is their prerogative, but it is also my prerogative to shop where I feel like I am getting the best deal.

I just keep hoping they will realize that these changes are driving away customers and return to the good old days. But honestly I am just not excited about memebox anymore. My last box (Empress's Secrets) is enroute to me, and I am not sure if I will ever buy another box again - the value just isn't what it was before

Another sad customer here. Have loved some boxes (Lisa Pullano box was ace) and hated others (Petit Treasures here's looking at you!) but recently the quality AND quantity has been lacking. Like others I'm fed up with repeats - that's fine a few months down the line, but not within a few weeks of each other. Short expiry dates are my biggest annoyance. I can't physically get through all the products and later boxes "should" have later expiry dates than boxes purchased more recently. Being a VIP is a waste of time as there are no perks worth having.

I really want to love memebox but they are making it so hard for me to do so. Memespies, we know you read these forums, please start listening to your customers. We aren't asking for much - just good quality boxes, with products that last more than a few months, well curated that follow any theme mentioned and don't contain warehouse clearance items. Oh, and a customer service that deals with any issue quickly and efficiently.

Otherwise, people will go elsewhere in droves and your business will eventually fail. We don't want that, I don't suppose you want that either..

New year resolution - listen to your customers and better boxes?


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