Another sad customer here. Have loved some boxes (Lisa Pullano box was ace) and hated others (Petit Treasures here's looking at you!) but recently the quality AND quantity has been lacking. Like others I'm fed up with repeats - that's fine a few months down the line, but not within a few weeks of each other. Short expiry dates are my biggest annoyance. I can't physically get through all the products and later boxes "should" have later expiry dates than boxes purchased more recently. Being a VIP is a waste of time as there are no perks worth having.
I really want to love memebox but they are making it so hard for me to do so. Memespies, we know you read these forums, please start listening to your customers. We aren't asking for much - just good quality boxes, with products that last more than a few months, well curated that follow any theme mentioned and don't contain warehouse clearance items. Oh, and a customer service that deals with any issue quickly and efficiently.
Otherwise, people will go elsewhere in droves and your business will eventually fail. We don't want that, I don't suppose you want that either..
New year resolution - listen to your customers and better boxes?