Oh. My. Gosh. over 400 missed posts....
As much as I love you guys...aint nobody got time to read 400 posts...
Someone give me the cliff notes on what I missed!
Also someone start a "Get Rachel All of the Milky Dress Pink Lovely Shampoo in Existence" fund because it's official: that stuff has literally saved my hair in the past week. I'm completely obsessed on a terrifying level. lol
I just got Next Best Thing in the mail today. Love it. So much. Hugging it right now.
On top of that, I got a little package from because she has joined the fight with milky dress in helping me keep the small amount of hair I have left on my head, and another package from
@Andi B who was kind enough to send me the Soap Berry Cleanser that I've been dying to try! (
@Bunbunny I think you offered to do this as well somewhere in the abyss of posts today, if I remember correctly when I was checking from my phone! Thank you SO much for the offer! I was very lucky to get one already! hehe)
Finally, I got a package from the absolutely amazingly generous
@LisaLeah and it was so thoughtful and wonderful.
I'm convinced that some of the most generous, caring and wonderful ladies are right here in this thread, for reals. <3 Hugs to all of you!
Now time for me to eat some honey BBQ wings and catch up on Hell's Kitchen like its my job!

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