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Eh @@cfisher don't feel bad. You've been waiting for that box longer than most of us. And I don't really need it. It's more frustrating that I sat around and refreshed the page for 40 minutes just to get to the "pay with paypal" button and then it say "sold out" right as I hit that.

Step by Step is sold out. right out of my cart. Gdi. got Luckybox #10, Moisture Surge, and Thumbs Up (the good one). Used the Memebundle3 coupon because nothing else is available.

probably will regret this purchase in the morning and ask to cancel everything but moisture surge.

too early in the morning to care.

I guess the fact that no coupon is working for me is a sign that I should not purchase Luckybox 10. I'll hope for a future restock of The Next Best thing or I'll hope for new boxes in the next week (Venom, venom, venom venom :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> )

@bluetinfuna I had given up on it, and then my page automatically refreshed and sure enough it let me checkout. Now I can't browse the other boxes.

They really need to do something about this. Who wants to deal with this for every restock?!

@@Bunbunny A lot of people go crazy during restocks (been there, done that), but they don't actually allow people to cancel restocks.

Which is a shame, since lots of people would really want the boxes that others want to cancel. 

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Looking at this page full of boxes reminds me of when I first started buying Memeboxes in June and was overwhelmed by the sheer number of options! Of course, these will probably all be gone by tomorrow, but it's still nice to see so many up on the site.

I used the GD419 Golden ticket code for $3 off. Or at least I think that's the code. It's not an affiliate code so it's okay to post it, I think. But it's one time use and it has to be on a box, I think.

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That's so annoying! They were working just before that. I bought my Chocolate Mania on BF with a $5 off code and it worked.
Yeah, they still seemed to work last month on $29.99 purchases. The fact that they don't anymore is absolutely frustrating... :angry:

But also incentive to not impulse buy so much, so there's that...

Site down again so guess I'm not going to be using that code (they've probably removed it now anyway as I attempted to use it). Past the point of caring now. Off to read a barbie story and watch peppa pig

@@Krystyn Lowe Oh thank goodness! I was so worried you missed out on Rose. By the time I checked out and went back to check, Rose was gone. I was hoping you swooped in and snatched it up. Congratulations!!!

I hope everyone else is having some good luck. I was shocked at how few boxes were sold out by the time the site worked for me again.

I think that was my last chance with Cafe Box. After my Cafe Box decided to just slip right out of the package, and two restocks where it went out of stock before I hit Checkout....It clearly was not meant to be.  :lol:

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