home from work and catching up, wow was that all they offered for 12 days of christmas tonight, rather shocking ,money safe for me,
Hahahaha I never used to, I really did just get all of my points at once. A lot of them were for box issues (missing box, missing shop order, missing items from other shop orders, refund for taxes I wasn't meant to pay).Memebox dealt with like 10 customer service issues all at once, that ended up being the majority of those points.Probably because they didn't want to work late on a friday/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Oh and @@cfisher how do you always have so many points to spend? I am sure yours secretly make out on your account and get many babies/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I made a countdown clock to make this easier for everyone to figure out: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20141212T00&p0=224&fg1=740000&fg2=360000&msg=Mystery+Memethingmidnight what?
They shipped in the middle of the night last night, so they're scheduled for delivery tomorrow. And there's no info card up on the site yet (I expect that these will also have an electronic card)....Did no one get their Christmas value set today?
all my bundles arrive tomorrow by dhl i will get them at 10 pm when i get home from work i imagine, oh but we all know if memebox say special offer they don't mean boxes more buy one xo memebox product get 2 free. i would say items or gifts as pose to boxes,@@Lorna ljblog In the email it said they have some amazing special offer for us at 12PST (it's 2:30PM PST right now). We have no idea what the offer will be, some are hoping for restocks (Okay, we're all hoping for restocks.) But I can't help but feel like "special offer" is going to mean something else.
...Did no one get their Christmas value set today?
Thank you! I came on here to ask about the dodgy midnight time but you already made that nice link to help us all out xDI made a countdown clock to make this easier for everyone to figure out: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20141212T00&p0=224&fg1=740000&fg2=360000&msg=Mystery+Memething
Mods: that link doesn't go to a site I own.
I'm hoping that they've listened to pleas to have posted times for big releases and they're not going to squander the last drops of patience we have on a crap event.
And the First Treatment Essence! I remember that was the spoiler for the Office Essentials box and was the whole reason I bought it and then they didn't put it in!! Now THAT made people grumpy. Including me. I want that magic.Thank you! I came on here to ask about the dodgy midnight time but you already made that nice link to help us all out xD
So tempted to get the secret key set for just the eye cream... My eyes seem resilient to anything I try to put on it..
But I should probably just head to the shiny new Sephora for some more samples before caving into purchasing something...
I know - I was grumpy cat when that wasn't included because like you, it was the only reason why I bought it. I did purchase it off ebay - and it is really nice.And the First Treatment Essence! I remember that was the spoiler for the Office Essentials box and was the whole reason I bought it and then they didn't put it in!! Now THAT made people grumpy. Including me. I want that magic./emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />