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Jan 13, 2007
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I'm going to the mac store tomorrow

And I'm thinking of picking this up

I'm in need of pressed powder and/or foundation something portable...I normally use loose powder and regular foundation but that isn't practical for fixing up your makeup on the go.

I've read the description on the website: it's supposed to be a foundation and powder.

Has anyone tried it?

How was it?

Do you reccomend it?

*Edit: If there are any brands of pressed foundation/powder that are good please post

i have one. and personally, i think that it has great coverage for a powder. but it can be a little drying.. too much applied is cakey

You're talking about Studio Fix powder, right?

I have it. I love using it when I know I'm going to have pictures taken and stuff like that. It works well for me, but I don't use it on a daily basis. I've heard that it breaks some people out, so you might want to be careful if you have sensitive skin. hth!

Originally Posted by StereoXGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif You're talking about Studio Fix powder, right?
I have it. I love using it when I know I'm going to have pictures taken and stuff like that. It works well for me, but I don't use it on a daily basis. I've heard that it breaks some people out, so you might want to be careful if you have sensitive skin. hth!
smile.gif fixi'm not sure what to do now from the product description it seems like its the ideal thing: powder AND foundation....but like I main priority is something with good coverage that I can use regularly

When I go tomorrow I'll see what the MU artist says

I use it everyday and it works very well for me. I used it on my friend and her skin broke out. It's a cream to powder so there's no need for powder after you apply it. ( I still do sometimes.)

I think it's worth it.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif I hate it. It gave me breakouts within an hour. hahahahaha!!! me too! damn! i can see the pimples growing!!! within an hour!
Its a little heavy for everyday for me. I might wear it out at night or if I need a little more coverage.

I was hearing about breakouts from this because I'm trying to find a powder I can use without making me break out.. I was thinking about something from clinique because I never had a problem with their bronzer.


And I like it!

It has the matte finish I'm looking for

Is not cakey

....and hasn't broken me out...yet

I think I could use it daily...but I am going to be quite cautious since I don't want a pimple face
