LBB newbie with a few questions forums

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Oct 22, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I just finally caved and joined LBB last night with a $49.95 bag.Will this count towards my Nov.1st bag or will I need to finalize and then open a new one for November?Also each month if I open my bag on the 5th do I still have 1 week?What items trade well and what doesn't?I was lucky enough to get a bag I really liked and 1 of the 2 items they picked I had on my wishlist as well. The 3rd item well I am trying to trade it down but it's not working out well lol.Is it better to start with a expensive item or a less expensive one when you open the bag.Also do newer bags trade well or the older ones?Sorry for so many questions but I would like to know the answers please.

Thanks for helping if you can!

The best way to find out how things trade is to watch the newsfeed.  You can also ask on the chat.  If you have some time, read my FAQ, its on my blog.  Link in my signature. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thanks for answering. I've been watching the chat room so I kinda have a better idea now.I also read the LBB FAQ's  too.

Your bag could stay open for up to 7 days, unless you choose to ship it earlier. So, if you still have a bag open at 10 PST on Nov 1st, it counts as your November bag and you wouldn't need to do anything till December, unless you want to open another bag or bags in between. 
You always have 1 week no matter when you open your bag to trade.
The other questions you asked are not straight forward and the answer is depends. Do read Kim's post, it's pretty good. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by RainbowClouds /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi everyone,

I just finally caved and joined LBB last night with a $49.95 bag.Will this count towards my Nov.1st bag or will I need to finalize and then open a new one for November?Also each month if I open my bag on the 5th do I still have 1 week?What items trade well and what doesn't?I was lucky enough to get a bag I really liked and 1 of the 2 items they picked I had on my wishlist as well. The 3rd item well I am trying to trade it down but it's not working out well lol.Is it better to start with a expensive item or a less expensive one when you open the bag.Also do newer bags trade well or the older ones?Sorry for so many questions but I would like to know the answers please.

Thanks for helping if you can!
There is no easy answer about what trades well and what doesn't. I've seen it where there is something no one wants one week and the next week it goes crazy and everyone wants it....and vice versa. So the newsfeed is your friend. I sometimes help a couple of my friends trade, and felt bad that I traded up something nice, for something that was trading well when my bag was open...and it was crap that week and impossible to get rid of!

Originally Posted by lapka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Your bag could stay open for up to 7 days, unless you choose to ship it earlier. So, if you still have a bag open at 10 PST on Nov 1st, it counts as your November bag and you wouldn't need to do anything till December, unless you want to open another bag or bags in between. 

You always have 1 week no matter when you open your bag to trade.

The other questions you asked are not straight forward and the answer is depends. Do read Kim's post, it's pretty good. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thanks lapka. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  RainbowClouds, hope trading is going well for you.

Trading is going ok. I just still don't see how people get tons of stuff in their carts. I saw 1 person with 3 or 4 handbags when I looked through their stuff. A few other people had tons of other things in their carts.I've offered some good trades 1-1 myself but maybe what I am trying to trade has been around awhile or something.I have checked the news feed and gallery alot I just can't seem to get the hang of this. So I will probably just stick with starting with the 1 thing i really want and hope for the best on the rest.I tried to do the what's hot items from watching chat but that didn't work out well.Thanks again for all your help.

Originally Posted by RainbowClouds /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Trading is going ok. I just still don't see how people get tons of stuff in their carts. I saw 1 person with 3 or 4 handbags when I looked through their stuff. A few other people had tons of other things in their carts.I've offered some good trades 1-1 myself but maybe what I am trying to trade has been around awhile or something.I have checked the news feed and gallery alot I just can't seem to get the hang of this. So I will probably just stick with starting with the 1 thing i really want and hope for the best on the rest.I tried to do the what's hot items from watching chat but that didn't work out well.Thanks again for all your help.
Some of that might be from trades, but I'm sure a lot of it is from people gifting things to themselves or having credits from returns and/or broken items. If you want a good bag you have to be patient. I can't tell you how many times I am discouraged days 1, 2, 3...and then by day 4 I'm finally getting some decent trades going. You have to be willing to trade everything in your bag to get a really fabulous haul, but that is very risky too, you may not get it back. I do it anyway because there are usually several things in the gallery I would be happy with, so even if I don't get that one bag or piece of jewelry back, I will get another bag or piece of jewelry I have my eye on.

I think I will just stick with picking the main thing I want and trading for something else if I don't get that from autopick and see where I can go with leftover items. I can always trade down to get rid of something. I think LBB needs a no I am not trading this at all button. I also think we should be able to say something like someplace other then chat that we want such and such for such and such.We  need a way to trade like say a purse for mulitiple other items without have to go thru chat or wait on crazy offers from people.Myself I have real sensitive skin so not alot or jewlery or makeup I can use. Maybe we  should be able to put things like that in our profiles somehow.

Originally Posted by RainbowClouds /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think I will just stick with picking the main thing I want and trading for something else if I don't get that from autopick and see where I can go with leftover items. I can always trade down to get rid of something. I think LBB needs a no I am not trading this at all button. I also think we should be able to say something like someplace other then chat that we want such and such for such and such.We  need a way to trade like say a purse for mulitiple other items without have to go thru chat or wait on crazy offers from people.Myself I have real sensitive skin so not alot or jewlery or makeup I can use. Maybe we  should be able to put things like that in our profiles somehow.
You can still do pretty darn good keeping your main thing and just trading the other two or three. But you still have to be patient. Also you have to know when you have a loser that isn't trading, and trade it down to something good that is trading up. Sometimes you do have to go down to go up again! lol But, if you are trading down, don't trade for a cheaper loser! lol Trade down for something that you see is moving up in the newsfeed. Also, if you're really not into jewelry and makeup, you can trade like a fiend for those things and the last day double them up for another bag or three. lol
