As mentioned, it depends on how coarse your hair is, but it also depends on the strength of the laser the technician uses. I started hair removal at one office, and I wasn't seeing much results. But I'd bought a Groupon-type package deal with them, so I kept going back (total of 4 times) until I'd used it up. The pain as noticeable, but nothing too significant. Then I switched and started seeing a friend of mine who works at a dermatologist's office. The first two sessions, I noticed more pain. Since she didn't have the chart from the other office, she didn't know what strength they were using on me. Each appointment though she'd increase the strength a little bit, and the effects were better and better. Then, she got me a prescription for a numbing cream so that she could use more intensity for even better results now that my body had gotten used to it. After that application, I haven't been back, and I have 80% hairlessness in that area (bikini zone). It's been since around October I believe. She also used it on my underarms at that treatment, and I didn't have to shave for about two months, although the hair is back to it's normal growth pattern now. I plan to have two more bikini treatments at the higher strength, and then a few more on the underarms until I don't need sessions every 6 weeks to maintain them. But it still does require going 1-2 a year for maintenance since it's not permanent. It works by putting the hair follicle into the "resting" phase of its growth pattern. The more often you do it, the longer it stays in that phase, which is why after a while you only have to go back 1-2 a year.