Lancome vs L'Oreal products forums

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I have probably tried all the products out there concerning make up and skin care along the Loreal and Lancome lines (as well as Givenchy and Chanel). I've always used Lancome and have always been extremely satisfied with it, makeup and skincare wise. However, at some point I was wondering why I should spend so much money on one product when I can get the Loreal brand so much cheaper for the same quality. I bought a Loreal day cream to replace my finished Lancome one and wore it for the first time to go to work. I work in an environment that has many black lights, and as everyone knows, blacklights show things that are quite unseeable by the human eye. More than one person were asking me why my face was green! When I went upstairs into regular light, my skin looked perfect with my make-up etc on. So I went to check in a mirror in the dark with only a black light on and I realised that there was a neon green mask like film on my whole face!!! That means that the cream never penetrated and my skin never drank it and it stayed there on the surface, gooey, alien green and eerie. Since then I never buy and drugstore products and prefer to spend a little bit more money on something that I'm sure is working properly. Drugstore mascaras always flake after about 5 hours (i work for a full 9 hours night time) and the lipglosses always gathers around the corners of the mouth, it dries and stays there and can also be seen at an opaque glaze in the black light. I stick to Lancome for lip gloss and skincare, MAC for everything else and Dior for mascaras.

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