Katie's New Hair

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I have this theory (lol, not really) but if you tanned her up and dyed her hair blonde, she looks just like Jessica Alba! What do you guys think?

Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif Err.Never was into her or her looks but I don't like it.

I actually think it's really cute. But I'm biased, since I'm really obsessing over short hair these days.

I said no because the first pic is awful. Hate it. The second one looks better.

I like short hair, and I like her hair colour, but yeah.. as some of the other girls said, something just doesnt feel right about it.

I feel like by chopping it off, she's stopped the whole 'little girl' image, and is trying to project a more womanly image, but i dunno. Something is off about it. I cant quite put my finger on it.

Looks too much like Victoria's to me, and it doesn't look as good on Katie. Isn't there some unwritten law that says not to cut your hair like your best friend's?

I like the hairstyle itself. But I think it makes her look too 'old'. I dunno . . . like Jackie Kennedy or something, like she's from another era.

Edit: And wtf is with that outfit? She looks like she rolled herself up in Dixie Wetsworth's beach towel!

Originally Posted by Manda /img/forum/go_quote.gif If she goes any shorter, her and Tom will have matching hairstyles You read my mind lol.


yay! i really like it! i think it makes her look so much younger and really fresh. i don't think she's copying off victoria beckham though. i think victoria's bob is very 'styled' and katie's is a lot more natural

Originally Posted by girlie2010 /img/forum/go_quote.gif i like it but she looks better with long hair her new hairstyle is a little to short
I don't like it at all.