Has anyone tried the clairol Jazzing in spiced cognac???? Is it like a light auburn/ginger color???? Also does it really only last for a couple of shampoos?
I've only tried the clear... I'm not sure really how long the colors last, but I'd assume they would only be a semi-perm color. They don't penetrate much. It's mainly just to boost color, and to add shine. /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I tried this along time ago - on my hair it was just 'okay'. I wish I could find something similiar to the glossings my salon does, I love the way my hair feels/looks after I have one done.
I really liked the Clairol Nice n' Easy Color Boosting Glaze... pretty similar results to many salon glossers I've seen. /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />