I dont know but my hair is a frizzy nothingless (not straight or curly or anything) without gel. I use Neautrogena triple moisture shampoo conditioner and deep treatment everytime I shower which is only 2 or sometimes 3 times a week. I take my knots out in the shower while theres all that conditioner in my hair. I rinse only the majority of it out from my scalp and try leave the rest in. Then I use a TINY bit of leave in conditioner Sebastian potion 9... it is true over conditioning your hair is just as bad as not conditioning it so you have to be cautious of these things. Even though my hair is naturally frizzy and dry I get highlights a couple times a year and its not that damaging you could try get highlights if the color in your hair is bugging you. I get my ends trimmed once every like 2-3 years I know that sounds odd but my hair keeps its own shape well and I only trim the ends for the dry dead split ends, I try keep as much length as possible as this helps drag my hair down and keep the volume of it down (it can get insanely huge trust me)
Its a shame you cut SO much of your length off, if only you couldve gotten a small trim and conditioned your hair back to health, thats what I did and it worked so well, and trust me my hairs insane I have billions of extremely fine hairs that go into NO shape unless I use gel, and I generously do, any part that turns too crispy is softened with pomade, or I just leave it and it softens on its own and keeps its shape for a good 3 days so you dont have to wash it as much.
God Ive realized I ve written an essay and Im sorry I hope it was of any help. Really I just wanted to reply to you about this
because people with shiny straight hair I know damage it all to hell with their hairbrushes and hairdyes and they STILL have lovely hair! And I want to agree, I hate those people its so unfair!!!