I'm stressing about my hair.

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Feb 18, 2007
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I don't get it..I take good care of my hair. I use tons of conditioning, let it dry naturally and basically pamper it! But would it ever look good? Noo.

It's so thick, frizzy and just ew looking half the time. The only way it looks ok is if it was a 'good' day in the shower and it managed to come out ok, but even this is random, I have more bad days than good. And as soon as I sleep on it, FORGET it! I wake up with a huge frizzy mess.

It was so damaged a while back and I cut it all off! Well, not all of it, but most of it. I notice I still have nasty split ends halfway up my hair, like if I were to get rid of all of them i'd have to shave my head!! And as much as that sounds nice to start over, nooo way am I pulling a britney..

I hate my hair, im beginning to think I just have sucky hair and there is nothing I can do about it, because people with shiny straight hair I know damage it all to hell with their hairbrushes and hairdyes and they STILL have lovely hair! and I take good care of mine and it hasnt seen any chemicals in 2 years. (I even use a wide tooth comb!! And NEVER comb it until I get out of the shower and use leave in conditioner so it's soft and I wont rip anything out)

I had the black color taken out without bleach 2 years ago, and I STILL see half of it is that nasty brown/red color that the guy 'fixed' it with..it's been so long! How is it still in there? Again, I know people who dye theirs like black and it's faded out in a few months!

I just don't know what to do with it anymore. You cant fix split ends, so im not asking for advice..im just *****ing!! I wish I had the guts to shave it..the splits ends are like all up my hair shaft and I havent even done anything to it in years, and I THOUGHT I cut them all off when I chopped more than half my hair off! Yet nope, theyre still there. The lady (who cut my hair months back) told me my hair was healthy now, my ass.

Ughhhhh. I've never seen a non frizz day in my life, I swear to you. It's not the humidity, it's just MY hair. Even shortly after I get out of the shower I see the hairs frizzing out.

Maybe you could get some thin layers, to help out a little. And it is possible to over condition your hair.

my hair used to be all gross and frizzy and i would always air dry and brush it, but i found a biotin shampoo and conditioner called Jason biotin shampoo (something like that) and i got it at GNC, well anyways my hair has gotten alto healthier and really tamable. It is also alot more shiney and less frizzy. It is supposed to promote healthier hair so i would give it a try its at GNC

What kind of hair products do you use? I've had a similar problem with your hair until I started using Bumble and Bumble shampoo and conditioner. I also had my hair cut in a way so that my hair stylist takes out a lot of volume and thickness in my hair.


I have the same problem but i used an Indian hair oil named Dabur Amla Oil and noticed the difference, it is better than before, it makes your hair thicher and longer so try it.

you can try getting your hair thinned at the salon. to tell you the truth my hair is extremely iuncontrollable but you just need to put product after product into your hair to make it mannageable. also when i dyed my hair it made it softer and much shinier because it makes your hair weaker

Maybe you should try Mane`N' Tail shampoo and conditioners. They made my hair soft, and I have curly hair which sometimes can get frizzy.

Originally Posted by Kee /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hey Minders, have you checked out that thread Aprill posted earlier about the home made hot oil treatment?
My hair is pretty crappy and this looks really interesting to me.

Ditto, I tried it last night and it works wonders. It was excellent!!!
your hairs pretty

your hairs pretty
but ppl say its also becoz u dont have enough nutrients for your hair
maybe changing your diet a lil bit would help ?

Originally Posted by Aprill849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ditto, I tried it last night and it works wonders. It was excellent!!! Yay I'm so excited! Too bad I only have 15$ left after paying bills and getting food >.< Maybe I could try without the rosemary?
Or else you could try the avocado hair-experiment i did once (the thread is lost somewhere), LOL - at least to me is cheaper - maybe i should go to the market tomorrow to buy one, because my hair is currently a crappy mess

Whenever my hair appear dull and dead at the ends i always let my hairdresser cut it to the appropriate length to promote a healthy look. Thus the ends are no more frizzy and dry. Jojoba oil has really improved my hair too.

Try Ojon products they work for me. The must have is the Ojon hair treatment. I put it on at night with a hair towel and wash it out the next morning and my hair is friz free. I believe me I have frizzy hair .

Originally Posted by princessmich /img/forum/go_quote.gif Whenever my hair appear dull and dead at the ends i always let my hairdresser cut it to the appropriate length to promote a healthy look. Thus the ends are no more frizzy and dry. Jojoba oil has really improved my hair too. if only it were just frizzy at the ends, but its frizzy EVERYWHERE!
i dont know..i dont know if i'll try that kee, i always do stuff like that to my hair and nothing actually works. i dont have high hopes.

Hey Mindy....I have really frizzy hair too. When it is short it looks almost exactly like yours. But because it is long it pulls the curl out into waves and frizz. While my hair is wet I work Bumble and Bumble Curl Cream through it. I let it air dry. That seems to keep the frizz at bay and my hair looks soft and shiny. Also I only wash my hair 1-2 a week. If I wake up with bad frizz I spritz it with water and "reactivate" the Curl Cream. If it gets oily I use a Dry Shampoo Spray. Seems to be working out.
