I'm Starting To Slip Into Depression Again

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I feel down when I look at pics of female celebs as well. You know what helps make me feel better?

Looking at pics of MALE celebs! lol! Puts a smile on my face!

You should go back and check out your Hunks thread that you made...maybe that will help some?

i'm sorry you're depressed, and i know how you feel. Question, do you exercise? If nothingelse, if you can go for a walk, like really move. It always makes me feel better, it gets your endorphins going and you really do feel good. It's also a great and easy way to lose weight. forget the diet, just take care of yourself and get some exercise. you want to be healthy and fit, being skinny i personally don't really like. i think some muscle tone looks better. take a daily vitamin if you don't already, make a list of what you would like to change or start doing to make yourself feel better about yourself. you can pm if you want to, i'll try to give you some good ideas on different things you can do. but is it just you not being happy with yourself that depresses you, or is it more than that?

im sorry your depressed ricci, you really shouldnt try to compare yourself to a celeb though, they look picture perfect cause of the hair/makeup pros.. not to mention in photos they have help from digital imageing to help perfect the photos.

and just cause someone is thin and pretty doesnt mean they dont have self esteem issues or depression.. celebs are normal people with normal issues and problems all there money dont make them happy either.

i would work out a lil if i were you not only does it help you look better but it helps you feel better about yourself.


I went through something similar to this for many years of my life. The ideal of beauty that surrounded me was nothing like me. My BF had pictures of petite, blonde, perfect playmates all over his walls. The Girls in my school were cute girl next door blondes. For many years I tried to fit into that mold...thinking I would be beautiful. I dyed my hair, I went tanning and I starved myself. Somehow I could never achieve that standard of Beauty. Finally I said F*ck IT!!!

I'm curvy, I have white skin and black hair. I will never be petite! But that's okay. The sooner I celebrated the little quirks in myself, the better I felt. Now I am proud that I don't look like a playmate or celeb. Seriously they are a dime a dozen. Hollywood keeps manufacturing them with surgeries, eating disorders etc. I can always appreciate a beautiful woman, but now I don't let it determine my self-worth. On a side note...Men find that incredibly sexy. If you think you're the hottest thing around, chances are they will too.

I think Grace summed it up. BTW...Grace, you always have the most heartfelt posts...

Man, I didn't know you were even over 23 until I went to your notepad!! Gosh, you look young..

Anyways, I'm 21 and I have a low self esteem. I haven't been diagnosed with depression, but I know I have it, most likely dysthmia.. I need to go to the doc for that.. <- ramble..

I look at celebs and get sad that I don't look like them as do many others, but I pretty much compare myself to others my age. It seems like others girls just look better than me and have a better fashion sense than me. Well even though I don't want to look all in fashion looking like "The Hills" or whatever, but it seem like whatever I wear, I look dumpy
. Sometimes when I wear certain things, I'm like.. "yea.. I look good today" and then go on, but most of the time I feel like bwah.

You know, something that made me mad recently was the whole Britney thing. She came out looking like a normal sized person, even though she was still pretty much hourglass shape, but still, she had a little jiggling of the belly and whatnot and people said she was fat and everything else. It didn't bother me than she performed bad and people talked about it, but when they started to call her fat and said she needed to lose more weight, it made me mad. Maybe this is part of my self esteem probs, but when people started calling her fat, they call everyone else who has a normal body shape...ones that look like britney and look good fat too. That just really makes me angry.

Again, I really thought you were 23.

Wow You are all so sweet and lovable and I'm out of words to describe how nice it is to have nice comments trying to cheer me up. I want to thank each one of you for your nice ,uplifting comments ..

To answer a few questions I need to work out but my heart condition is getting worse till surgery and its hard to do lots of working out plus my glasses fall off my face and I need to also get contacts

My biggest mistake was getting 4 tattoos this summer so I had to stay in indoors for three weeks per tatoo! well behold I put on a some weight that made me very unhappy

To sum it all off really its not that pretty face really that bothers me ,its the perfect bodies that get me down

I will be getting heart surgery within a year or less hopefully within 8 month

after that when it heals Ill be able to run and do much more

Just within the last year my heart went downhill .. now I need the surgery

Again ty for helping me out by making me feel better


I think you are beautiful inside and out. When I first saw your pics I thought you were in your 20's. You look beautiful!

Nox posted great advice along with the other members.

Those celeb's have makeup, hair and wardrobe people around them constantly. Peel all that away and they look like normal people.

I'm sorry to hear about your heart condition. That must be awful.

I find when I feel depressed going for a walk helps. I don't know if you have limits as to how much exercise you are able to do with the heart condition. Even if you are only allowed 5-10 minutes that little bit can do wonders. Hugs to you.

A heart murmur's ..heart valves are partly collapsed and so its hard for the blood to pump through to my heart to keep it beating so my heart works harder then the average norm causing chest pains , head rushes ,hard to breathe and weakness within minutes .. I get all that just walking up a slight hill so my heart is worsening cuz it wasn't that bad last year

Ricci you are beautiful !

frankly i think those celebs don't have much for themselves, apart from their "beauty". it's materialist, and beauty fades with time. look How Brigitte Bardot ended. she was truly a beautiful woman in her twenties, now she's just an old lady, wrinkled, with grey hair, very different from the one she used to be.

we are women, who live, work, have kids, lovers, and for me, even if i do compare sometimes, a woman with some extra pounds because she gave birth to 3 kids is more beautiful than a starving (i suppose they starve themselves to be so slim) celebrity.

and like my mom says : a woman without breasts is like pants without pockets : one doesn't know where to put one's hands

you could do light walking, nothing vigoriously. or you could do some light exercises, just check with your dr. to see what he/she has to say, and maybe even give you some suggestions. i hope everything gets better and your health will get better. xoxo.

Thank you

All of you! )

Originally Posted by canadian_gurl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ricci,
I think you are beautiful inside and out. When I first saw your pics I thought you were in your 20's. You look beautiful!

Nox posted great advice along with the other members.

Those celeb's have makeup, hair and wardrobe people around them constantly. Peel all that away and they look like normal people.

I'm sorry to hear about your heart condition. That must be awful.

I find when I feel depressed going for a walk helps. I don't know if you have limits as to how much exercise you are able to do with the heart condition. Even if you are only allowed 5-10 minutes that little bit can do wonders. Hugs to you.

I had it since birth Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif wow i didnt know about your heart condition.
Ricci, Im Sorry To Hear About Your Heart Condition, I Truly Feel For You. You Are So Strong And Brave To Share That With Us. Hopefully Everthing Goes Well For You With Your Surgery And You Can Get To Do Everything You Want To Do!

Originally Posted by Ricci /img/forum/go_quote.gif A heart murmur's ..heart valves are partly collapsed and so its hard for the blood to pump through to my heart to keep it beating so my heart works harder then the average norm causing chest pains , head rushes ,hard to breathe and weakness within minutes .. I get all that just walking up a slight hill so my heart is worsening cuz it wasn't that bad last year wow i didnt realize a heart mumur was that serious. i found out i had one when i was getting a checkup a couple years ago, i dont ever notice it though other than the irregular flutter. is it that serious?? cause my doctor said it was not serious, maybe i should get a second opinion
I think the heart murmur seriousness varies. It runs my family and for some in my family its not serious while for others like my mom, it is.

Ricci, I didnt know your age either and would never have guessed that. I remember when I first clicked on your profile, I didnt expect you to have kids (but you did and they are gorgeous!)

Just know that you can fight this and you will get through it and we are here to support you.

Hey Ricci, I'm another one in the depression club. Very low self esteem also and occasional panic attacks which are not pretty. I understand how it feels to trigger this feelings about ourselves that put us down, with a picture, with a thought. It's hard not to compare myself to the others and wonder how is it that I'm supposed to be, to look, whatever to feel like I belong and ultimately feel good about myself. I'm always waiting for something else to make me happy and that's not the way it's supposed to be. I've taken meds but I hate them, don't you? Don't feel bad about slipping a bit, it's very hard no to. What is important is to realize the wonderful things about you, the beautiful things and the special things about you. What makes you unique, as Manders did.

I wish you the best with your surgery and a speed recovery, don't be down you'll be working out and looking hot in no time!

Aww Ricci,I am so sorry to hear about your heart condition,I hope you can get the surgery soon!

this post brings tears to my eyes.

depression sucks! it sucks the life and vitality right out of a person. i have been struggling with it for too long to remember.

it makes me sad to realize how many of us tend to be our own worst enemy. we can shred ourselves up in no time flat and others look at us and think we have so much going for us. it is so strange. the demon in the head will get you.

i love reading the replies and hearing how many of you have overcome this sort of self destruction. it is true that feeling good and being confident makes you all the more attractive and beautiful. all women are beautiful but so few know it or believe it. including myself. i am beautiful, now if i could just get myself to believe it. damn! i sound crazy!

love you ricci! you are very strong and very beautiful.



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