I'm really scared...

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Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif I had precancerous cells in my cervix. Had 2/3 of it, and it's since grown back. How crazy is it that the cervix grows back like a starfish's arm/leg?! Anywho! My surgery went just fine, and I haven't had any issues since, and I had a daughter afterwards. That was almost 10 years ago too! So, if 10 years ago I made it out just fine, then I can only believe you will as well since medicine/surgical procedures have most likely gotten better since then! I did lose a 10% chance of getting pregnant again, but I got pregnant (even after another surgery for something else caused me to lose another 30% chance of getting pregnant again). I wish you the best, and I suggest trying not to flip out too much about it. If you trust your doctor's opinion and practices, then you should know you're in safe hands! Best of luck sweetie!
Hearing more and more about people actually having the surgery is very comforting. I really appreciate all the support and kind words you guys are sending my way
Feeling comfortable with and like you can trust your doctor is really important. I didn't realize how important until I had to have my first surgery two and a half years ago. I was in a motorcycle accident and have, unfortunately, had a total of five surgeries since. However, I realized about a year into it that I spent a lot of energy focusing on and being freaked out about the surgery each time! Which took away from my attention on healing. I believe in stuff like "mind over matter" and my fears about surgery were from things I imagined happening, not based in reality. And I was allowing that to work against me! Once I realized it, I worked on putting my attention on finding peace and calm inside myself and on healing my body. I used prayer and meditation and yoga (as much as I could with my lower body, because three of the surgeries were on my left elbow and two on my right shoulder). But when I did the yoga in particular, I focused on being grateful for the strength I found in my lower body, even though my upper body was injured. That really helped too! Being in a state of gratitude for what is healthy about your body, helps your body heal in general. What your mind and heart focus on, your body will follow!

I also got second opinions at that point. I had about three doc's for different things at that time and only one I trusted, so I asked him for referrals and changed the other two. THE BEST THING I COULD HAVE DONE!! Not only was I more confident with their diagnosis and treatment plans, they were way more thorough! Also, it seemed like my trusting them was just as important to THEM, as it was to me! Doctors are people too and there are going to be ones that understand us better than others.

I don't know if my sharing will help, but I'll close with a prayer I learned from my sister that helped me too:

May the angels of light guide, protect and comfort you; and bring you all the healing you need mind, body and spirit.

Well wishes to you!!


There are few women who I know of personally, both as close friends and acquaintances, who have had various grades of stages of cervical cancer, both young and older in age. Every single one of them are cancer free, thriving, and don't expect it to come back. The procedures they went through did not stop them from living full lives at all, even as they were healing.

This kind of detection and surgery has been around for a long while, so they are getting very good and precise about it. I hope all the advice and words of encouragement are helping you out.

I just wanted to update and let everyone know that I spoke with the doctor will be going in for surgery this coming Tuesday. She said I had a moderate level of abnormal cells in the "superficial" layers and they are going to get rid of it all. I hope this all goes well and that I don't have to deal with all this again haha. Thanks again to all of you guys for your help, blessings, and kind words. This thread alone really made me feel a lot better and gave me a lot more confidence. Thanks a bunch!

This is frightening for everybody--I think screenings are more thorough than they used to be and they call a lot of questionable things in just to be on the safe side.

i've had precancerous cells like aquilah, and is long as its treated early you'll be ok. it was painful to get them removed, but not awful. pap smears are important. wish you the best of luck.

Anything at all like this is frightening... cancer runs in my family so I am always having to be careful. It's EXTREMELY good that they caught it, and I am sure you will come out just fine. I know plenty of family members of mine who have been in that same situation... it's hard not to be freaked, but you will be ok.

Originally Posted by kam_621 /img/forum/go_quote.gif i've had precancerous cells like aquilah, and is long as its treated early you'll be ok. it was painful to get them removed, but not awful. pap smears are important. wish you the best of luck. Did you have complete surgery? Because I didn't feel anything at all! I had day surgery, and was fine without any real pain. Slight cramping like a period, but that was it.
Amanda, best of luck! (I'm late by a day there!) Definitely let us know how it goes!

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Did you have complete surgery? Because I didn't feel anything at all! I had day surgery, and was fine without any real pain. Slight cramping like a period, but that was it.
Amanda, best of luck! (I'm late by a day there!) Definitely let us know how it goes!

I had cryo done twice for atypical cells and each time, There was sort of an initial pinch then fairly intense cramping that was no worse than my worst period cramp, then continued lesser cramping that lasted the rest of the day but was gone in the morning. It wasn't comfortable but I didn't even need anything for pain and I have a really low tolerance for pain. I do wish you good luck though.

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Did you have complete surgery? Because I didn't feel anything at all! I had day surgery, and was fine without any real pain. Slight cramping like a period, but that was it.
Amanda, best of luck! (I'm late by a day there!) Definitely let us know how it goes!

I had the surgery yesterday and I feel pretty good. I was out cold so I don't remember a thing, not even when they put me down. I'm anxious about the check ups though because if they didn't get all of it I have to go back and start the process all over. That will be a real nightmare if that happens...
appearantly, if you have abnormal cells/cervical cancer it means that you have hpv, that's the only way cervical cancer can be developed.

anyways, hang in there, stay positive and keep a healthy lifestyle(eat lots of nutritious food, get good sleep, etc)!

Originally Posted by _withoutYou /img/forum/go_quote.gif appearantly, if you have abnormal cells/cervical cancer it means that you have hpv, that's the only way cervical cancer can be developed.anyways, hang in there, stay positive and keep a healthy lifestyle(eat lots of nutritious food, get good sleep, etc)!

Not true. I have had abnormal cells more than once and no HPV.
I'm glad everything went well with surgery and I hope you have a bit more peace of mind about it. My cousin had an abnormal pap and had a procedure done last year and it turns out it was nothing to be worried about. There have been recheck appointments and things are still looking healthy and good.


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