I'm an idiot!!! HELP!

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Oct 21, 2006
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I dyed my hair black about a month ago. Stupid stupid stupid. First of all, I hate it. Second, now my hair is growing out my natural ashy blonde color and I look sooo terrible. I'm assuming that because my hair was more of a blonde shade that the semi-perm might be more like perm? Is there any way I can get this out sooner without damaging my hair or spending a ton of money???? HELPPPP!!!!

I swore last time I dyed my hair I would never do it again, and then, I did it again. ugh. :10:

I wish i could help ya,I suggest asking a stylist what they would do and then see if you can do it at home,like strip the color or re-bleach it:kopfkratz:

I know what you mean. I've had this problem before. I ended up doing a ton of damage trying to save money and ended up spending more money trying to fix it. I finally went to the beauty salon and it's now growing back out! I would suggest going to have it professionally done.

Even if done professionally there is always a chance that it will be damaged by the stripping product.

Hmm I think if it's semi-perm you can try using dish soap to get it to wash out faster! I'd find some strong stuff to wash with and them deep condition a lot!

Try to use a liquid dishwashing soap or the shampoo called Prell. Please make sure that you follow with a deep conditioner.

The lady I went to told me to get dye out faster add baking soda to your shampoo. Of course you have to follow with conditioner because it feels stripped??? She told me to do a deep conditioning 2 times a week. Put hair Cholestrol on your hair, put a shower cap on and leave it 1-2 hrs. then wash it out. Then you have to wait at least a week after the treatment to dye it again because the dye will not "stick" to your hair. HTH!

i suggesta nutraliser, which will make it gingery usually, which strips the hair of the dye (its not as harsh as it sounds) and then put the colour of your choice on top...

i have dyed black hair and i love it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> i cant see me being any other colour, (except pink... maybe! )

i clor my hair a lot so i know how you feel. i would honestly reccomend investing some money in a professional. and for next time color your hair but stick with a color kinda of natural so it wont look so bad when its growing out. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

get some prell shampoo..that stuff will strip wax off the floor

I ended up going to a salon. She said I'd have to dye it dark and then slowly lighten it? So my hair is like a dark red/brown now. But not permanent so...I d on't know. I guess I just do what she says lol

ouch, i feel your pain. black is the absolute WORST color you can dye your hair. and it only looks good on very few people. it's so dull! i dyed mine black a few times and boy, it took forever to grow out. i had it finally stripped like 6 months ago and it was so fried after, im still waiting for it to fully recover, i have dead ends all over the place, half my hair is dead, but if i cut it all off it would look terrible and id end up with an afro.

Hellomindy, yes, this sucks! I don't wanna strip it...cause I don't want to fry my hair, but oh well. I guess I'm stuck with this for a while. Grr.


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