I want to discuss with you about the time

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Oct 21, 2007
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I want to discuss with you about the time that we applying MMU.

one year ago I used in traditional makeup. and when I made my makeup every day it was very quickly.

today, when I put my MMU it is take me a longer time.

but I have to say that Im enjoey every mineth that I put makeup.

Im crazy about mineral makeup.

I want to ask you ladies.. how much time you spend when you applying MMU? does is take longet than the traditionl? or what?

hope you understand my english :)

Lol I'm on the opposite of you. I used to wear liquid foundation with brush before when using traditional makeup. But, now I spent less time to get ready with a full makeup on.

Before I spent about an hour, now with MMU less in 35 minutes

the reason may be is becouse Im so exaiting (exaited) every time that I put my MMU! :)

Im crazy crazy about that.. and in israel the MMU not so hot like in the world.

I actually get ready quicker now that I apply MMU rather than liquid foundation. I hated having to apply liquid foundation and am so happy that I don't have to wear that stuff anymore. At the most it takes me 20 minutes to put my makeup on for a regular work day. I I'm going out I spend maybe 35-40 minutes cause I like to play up my eyes.

oh I am like you I get so excited to put on mmu. I think it takes me about the same time with makeup though. But i do get so excited to put onthe minerals because it looks so lovely~~

BTW- your english is very very good~~)) some people who live in the states years and years not as good as you~~>>

enjoy those minerals~~so much fun~~

Originally Posted by dlwt2003 /img/forum/go_quote.gif oh I am like you I get so excited to put on mmu. I think it takes me about the same time with makeup though. But i do get so excited to put onthe minerals because it looks so lovely~~BTW- your english is very very good~~)) some people who live in the states years and years not as good as you~~>>

enjoy those minerals~~so much fun~~

thank you !when I learnd in high school my english was bad.. now Im a big girl (31) and my english better.. I had a boyfriend in Maimi and my english improved.. I think.. thank you egain!

it takes me about 10 minutes. i apply my minerals just like a liquid foundation. i mix the minerals with a lil bit of water mix it then applied with a foundation brush then after its dried i dush soe finishing powder on with my kabuki.

i take less time to put my foundation on than i did before with a liquid. i'd say ten minutes. i apply it dry, and then finish with a spray of thermal water.

hi there.. what is the makeup brush? do you have a photo please?

I used with my kabuki.. maybe I will learn more things about applying my makeup.


what is thermal watter? where can I buy it?

Originally Posted by simisimi100 /img/forum/go_quote.gif hi there.. what is the makeup brush? do you have a photo please? I used with my kabuki.. maybe I will learn more things about applying my makeup.


what is thermal watter? where can I buy it?

Are you asking about the foundation brush mentioned?
you can find thermal water in pharmacy (at least in Turkey lol) there are two brands I know--vichy and la roche-posay

Originally Posted by PhantomGoddess /img/forum/go_quote.gif Foundation Brush:
M·A·C Cosmetics | 190 Foundation Brush

thank you very much. in israel this brush is so expensive!!!ggggrrr!!!

Originally Posted by handush /img/forum/go_quote.gif you can find thermal water in pharmacy (at least in Turkey lol) there are two brands I know--vichy and la roche-posay may be I will buy it. what this water doing? I hope Im not butther you!

Foundation brushes are made by many different brands. I was using MAC as an example because that is the brand that most people will recognize.

thank you ladies..now after one year that I used with MMU it taking me time like traditional make up. ... Im sure that I will improve that.. !

thank egain!

When i first bought mmu i found it took me an hour to do my mu than my usual 20-30 mins, but now ive learnt to apply mmu it takes around the same amount of time about half an hour. If I have plenty of time and going somewhere special I do take my time.
