you need a straightning iron, hair spray and a little pomade for the very ends of those spikey parts....
basicly you straighten your whole head (except the very short pieces at the top because those need some wave for body) any way than you take the short pieces spray them with hair spray and teaze them up. than smothe them out. than pomade the ends for the piecy look.
Most def a good straightening iron & protectant, and got2b glued (amazing styling glue). With a heavy hand the glued will keep anyone's hair spiked all day, with a lighter hand, it'll keep the front smooth.
Part of me is saying hey crazy lazy lady you so won't even blow dry your hair so what makes you think you can pull off one that needs a flat iron and styling products.
The other part of me says go for the change. You need something to kick things up a little. Oh and bring me a cookie ******.
Okay maybe that is a fictional account of what I have going on in my little head. (We really don't have any cookies in the house)