I have obsessive hair issues.

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Dec 15, 2005
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I'm all over the map deciding whether or not I want to cut bangs into my hair and whether or not I want to dye my hair. I'll wake up thinking bangs I want some bangs and then I'll go look in the mirror and think well they're already past my nose I might as well grow them al of the way out. Grrrrr!
Does anyone else obsess more than usual on hair topics? If so please share so I don't feel like the weirdo that I am.

You're not weird at all! I totally do the same thing and i'm far from weird.

I have been going back and forth forever now on getting hair extensions. I don't like the cheap, synthetic clip in ones I got on the spur of the moment. I'm seriously considering getting some real hair extensions put in but then I worry about it damaging my hair that i've been working so hard at growing out. My husband probably gets tired of hearing me talk about my hair. I know I obsess over it waay too much. I do the bang thing, too. I finally gave in and had them angle cut some this last time and I like them better 'cause they hide some of my funky hairline and forehead.

Well I'm glad that I'm not alone in this matter.

Lisa I would love to get extensions but I would be terrified of ruining what little amount of hair I have. How long are you wanting to grow your out to? BTW your hair looks really healthy.

yes i feel you girl im like that to but im scared to damage my hair or end up not likeing the change so maybe try extentions you can cut or color to give you diffrent looks

I get like that too.... but I'm on a mission to get my hair LONG... so I'm determined to leave it ALONE! lol I used to cut myself bangs out of boredom, then one rainy or humid day & having them curl would be all I needed to let them grow out again... lol Just don't do anything drastic on a whim. I've seen so many people get this spurt of creativity where they HAVE to do something drastic... NOW. They usually ended up regretting it. So just sleep on it a few days... either the crave will pass, or if you're still wanting a change, you will appreciate that you REALLY want it.

You're definitely normal in my opinion. Hah...I have hair issues as well. I couldn't decide for the longest time to dye my hair and when I finally decided that I couldn't decide a color. (thanks to the people on this site...they helped me with my decision) Most people ended up choosing my favorite choice anyways. YAY! So then I dyed it and couldn't decide if I liked it......

So yah.....I definitely have stupid issues with hair. It's normal I think!
