i have a dark skin which is tanned

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Apr 8, 2013
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i have a very dark skin usually in India its common but i am not happy with the way it is so can you please suggest me with some tables, syrups or something where i can put on my color, its been worring me a lot and in India a girl should have a fair skin tone or else she will not be treated well
 this is my suituation

Hi Austin roger !! Don't worry for being dark skinned. Try to follow these tips

1. Drink plenty of water

2. avoid sun apply sunscreen when going out

3. eat papaya and lot of seasonal fruits

4. apply honey, lemon, milk, cucumber, tomatos all these works great to get good and fair complextion.

5. keep splashing water on face time to time. It helps to remove dirt and keeps you fresh.

6. Massage your face with olive oil or almond oil, coconut oil . It seems weird but it really works and brings good results to get fair, soft and smooth skin.

Good Luck


The application of best sunscreen would fail when one wants to enjoy swimming in

the sun or on a beach as water washes it off. The consequence is tanning of the

skin and sun burn. Aloe Vera for skin in the form of Gel Or Creme is the best

remedy to treat sun burn it cures sun burn and tan much faster and in a natural

way than any other chemical product.

Aloe Vera protects nourishes and moisturises the skin. It helps in reduction of

fine lines and is a very good anti-aging agent. For those suffering from acne

aloe vera gel with its high anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties is a

blessing. In addition aloe vera acts as a brightening gel by removing dead skin

and keeps oiliness under check


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