I got a Kodo Creative Hair Straightener - Including a Picture!

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Thanks ladies

I had my hair cut short about 4 years ago, so it's taken about 4 years to grow it that long.

Now I've got a straightener, you'll see FOTD pictures of me with my hair out

When I get my Dad to take a photo of my hair in it's normal state, I'll take a picture of the straightener because the site still is not working.

Okay, here is my hair in its natural state. My hair is pretty straight but has a slight wave to it. Please note: my hair is still wet from when I washed it this morning and it's been up in a bun and in a plait so that's enhanced the wave.

And yes, I am wearing my PJs

Here is the link from Shaver Shop: Shaver Shop - Products


And here is a photo of the box


Thanks for posting the before pic! Looks good either way IMHO, but it looks great straight!

Thanks again everyone

In that before picture, my hair is still damp but when it's dry it can get kinda frizzy.

I love my hair when it's straight

to the Kodo Creative Hair Straightener!
