I dont usually let things get to me but....

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Mar 5, 2005
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I was at TBS today to check out some of the new stuff (which I loved!!) and the manager and I were talking and she asked me if I needed any samples. I thought that was nice of her and I told her I wanted a good night cream and toner. She recommended something called 'wise woman' line and said she thought it would be perfect for me so I said that I'd like to try it. I went to check out while she got the samples for me. Then I noticed her at a display behind me as she was packaging my samples. I walked over and saw the advertisements on the shelf of the products and there were pics of old people and ads talking about 'mature skin'. My mouth dropped and I stood there and started crying! I felt so silly but I couldnt help it. Why the hell would she recommend that for me? I'm not even 40! I dont have wrinkles. I dont have gray hair! and no one has EVER considered me old before. I'm in my 30's and it will be a while before I hit 40! I AM NOT OLD!!!! I didnt even buy the other stuff I'd chosen. I just walked out and went home. I feel so bad. Why would she do that?

Aww...don't feel bad. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it because from what I can tell by your avatar, your skin is smooth and lovely. You definitely don't have mature skin.

Some people place a lot more emphasis on prevention, so maybe she felt the product would help you stay young looking.

Or maybe the store was just trying to push that product line on everyone.

I don't think she thought you were old, i think she was probably trying to have you buy the stuff that was being advertised at the counter, that is a way of getting people to buy stuff, sometimes they dont care who they sell it to, and was she too young? sometimes girls don't have an idea of what peoples age is, even if you don't have wrinkles, they just don't really think!

To me it sounds like she was really trying to sell, maybe they get paid for giving samples of the stuff that is advertised at the counters to make people come back and buy them?

Feel better! you do not look old at ALL!

Try not to let it get to you. She was ignorant in her choice. You are lovely and definitely do not look old.

Ladies, thanks so much for the kind words....after reading some of you all's responses, maybe it was just a matter of promoting something. i dont know, I guess it would just be nice if SAs could think about what they are doing and who they are selling to. An oversight like that could really hurt sometimes.... like it did with me. Maybe i'm being too sensitive but that was really hurtful.

thanks a bunch you all. HUGS!!!!

Originally Posted by Battygurl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I woulda bopped her one aww Im so sorry u cried LOL!!! Maybe I should've done that. :)
You have beautiful skin and definitely not old looking!
I think like the others said she was trying to promote the new product but she should have been more careful. I would have felt the same way too if I was in your shoes. Hugs to you.

She probably just has to push that line. Don't feel bad. There's no way she could have thought you looked "mature"

Awww...hun, don't feel bad! I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it. Most women really should start using those things before the first sign of wrinkles (that's what my grandma used to tell me) and I'm sure she had good intentions and didn't mean to offend you.

I have to agree,it prob wasnt intentional and you certainly dont look mature at all.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif She probably just has to push that line. Don't feel bad. There's no way she could have thought you looked "mature" yah i agree. judging my your avatar picture... you have the skin i want when i hit 30 so be thankful you have such gorgeous skin. and don't worry about crying... i was with my mom the first time someone called her mam and she ran out crying lmao.

I agree.. I think that the wise woman range is in part a prevention range.

You certainly dont have wrinkles. Or, maybe, that was the only samples she had and wanted to give you some.

You definately dont look old at all. Anyway, even if you WERE 40, it's the new 30! huggles, I dont like to think of anyone crying!

Wow!! I'm very sorry to hear about that hun. I honestly don't think she meant anything by it. You have beautiful skin and I hope when I'm that age I do too!!

awww I really hope it wasn't intentional and was just for promotion. A lot of people just want to sell stuff and I'm sure they would have even offered it to girls in their 20s regardless..

Well this thread is a bit old, but don't feel bad! Last year on my 23rd birthday a woman tried to sell me foundation for mature skin >.<

Originally Posted by xEdenx /img/forum/go_quote.gif yah i agree. judging my your avatar picture... you have the skin i want when i hit 30 so be thankful you have such gorgeous skin. Ditto... Don't feel bad at all, Feel proud of your skin. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif Aww...don't feel bad. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it because from what I can tell by your avatar, your skin is smooth and lovely. You definitely don't have mature skin.
Some people place a lot more emphasis on prevention, so maybe she felt the product would help you stay young looking.

Or maybe the store was just trying to push that product line on everyone.

I agree. She may have had a qouta to sell on that makeup. Plus yeah, everyone is pushing for prevention.You have beautiful skin and don't ever think otherwise.

I know a lot of people who have been insulted by counter people. They just want to sell makeup and if they make you think something is wrong with you ( when there is not!) they will make a sale.

from your avi it looks like you have really clear skin

but honestly i thought you were in your 40s too....not that that's a bad thing but that's the impression i got too

i think nowadays people have this phobia of aging...being old is not a BAD thing so i don't think you should have been offended anyway

take it as a compliment that someone took the time out to come out with samples and make an effort at good customer service
