That's the thing about tragedies. They do tend to bring out the best in people. Seeing things like this restores my faith in humanity, at least for a little while.
AGREED! Couldn't have said it better.Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No she won't be deleted or banned from the site.
We all have "foot-in-mouth" syndrome from time to time and pretty much she's been told how others feel so I think she gets the point. Let's stop focusing on what she posted and move on.
Honestly I have so much to say to you right now, but I'm just not going to. I don't have time to sit here and write a novel to you saying how much I dislike you. I haven't even met you, and I want nothing to do with you. I'm a college kid, too, and ten bucks a month is a lot for me as well, but I sure as hell am not going to complain to them when they are going through a ******* natural disaster! (Excuse my language, and I'm sure someone will get mad at me for cussing, oh well.) 100 people dead is devastating and you have no right to say that it's not a big deal. I'll compensate you ten bucks if you'll just get out of this forum. serendipity720, no one wants you here.Originally Posted by serendipity720 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I understand they are going through this but still they created the october fiasco themselves. if they postpone november I will email and just request my money back. I would rather have my money then deal with this. Yeah its only 10 dollars, but that isn't the point. I'm a college student also, so ten dollars is still something I could use! and 100 people dead is practically nothing when you take into account how many lives could have been lost honestly. It affected a lot of people, so 100 really is not a lot. I am just honked at bb for telling me they "shipped" my box when it never even shipped because in fact they never shipped it because they did not have any inventory to do so. I think I have little to no respect for them at this point as a business and not their personal lives either. I just want compensated in money or another box before the end of november. thats all.
I'm sorry, but that was NOT a "foot-in-mouth" moment. That was an ignorant thing to say and she deserves everyone to tell her what their opinion is. She meant what she said..Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No she won't be deleted or banned from the site.
We all have "foot-in-mouth" syndrome from time to time and pretty much she's been told how others feel so I think she gets the point. Let's stop focusing on what she posted and move on.
Whether it is your intention or not your two posts on this thread give the impression that you are an immature, self-centered, selfish person who does not value human life. The fact that you are entering a profession that requires empathy is mind boggling. I pity your patients.Originally Posted by serendipity720 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow yeah I'm such a troll. Honestly block me and I wouldn't even care, I'd rather be blocked then to put up with you people who think your so much of a better person then me then continually put me down over the internet when you don't even know me. I'm not even saying that I don't feel bad for the people and families of those who died, because I do feel bad for them. But death is a natural part of life, I'm a nursing student. I work in a hospital and I deal with death every day. I don't feel any worse for these people. then say a cancer patient who passes away. You people wouldn't know anything about that. Yes I work full time and go to school, so for me 10 dollars is a lot of money. I don't take money from my parents, I work and pay for everything I have and own.Yes I was angry when I posted what I did and may have over exaggerated but it doesn't give any of you the right to tell me what a horrible or lowly person I am or to say I have never dealt with pain or loss in my life because none of you know me at all. On a brighter note I got the post bb made and it said they are shipping november boxes out, just later then usual. So we will be getting a november box and I have already cancelled so I will not be getting anymore birch boxes and I will not be getting on this site anymore. Your right birchboxes aren't for me. I would rather get what I paid for in a reasonable amount of time so clearly I was not cut out for birchbox. I have no problems with my julep however. I would like to know how to delete my account on here, as I won't be needing it anymore and have nothing to say to any of you very disrespectful people/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> thats all.
Um, yeah. Seriously.Originally Posted by page5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The fact that you are entering a profession that requires empathy is mind boggling. I pity your patients.
wow well I find that actually funny. I am at the top 10% of my program, have a job that is pushing my career forward and have had nothing but positive things said about me from my patients/professors/ and family members. I am not saying that any human life isn't special but I'm not going to go out of my way either to say that life is any more special then the lives I see lost every single day. I've seen some pretty gruesome stuff too, that I'm sure your small mind could not handle. If you want to fight so bad why don't you just take it somewhere else? No one had to even comment on my post and honestly I was venting. I apologize if my remark made it seem that I do not care for people, obviously that is not the case. I do care about people, probably a lot more then most of you here. I clean up poop and pee for a living for very small pay. I do a lot of things at work most people would not do no matter how much they got paid and I do it with a smile on my face. I feel bad for everyone on here who thinks they are so much better then everyone else. Honestly I don't care though. I don't care what any of you think about me because I know that I am a successful and a good nursing student. I feel bad for you people who think u have to talk me down just to feel better about yourself. and yes I am a little immature, self-centered, and selfish. because I'm a human being and yes, that means I'm not perfect. I accept my faults. I know I'm not the greatest person out there and I don't try to be. I'm 20 years old so yeah I'm a little selfish and immature. I'm still a young adult growing up.Originally Posted by page5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Whether it is your intention or not your two posts on this thread give the impression that you are an immature, self-centered, selfish person who does not value human life. The fact that you are entering a profession that requires empathy is mind boggling. I pity your patients.
I imagine many of us paid/pay for our own schooling and don't/didn't take $ from our parents. Still doesn't give you the right to denigrate the loss of human life due to the hurricane.
Great I would love to be off this threat. I would really love to delete my account and never talk to any of you again so I'll pay you ten dollars if you help me figure it out. Also, I have not complained sense the disaster (to bb). I just want my november box. People die every single die. I witness it. when you consider how many people are in new york and new jersey WE ARE LUCKY IT WASN"T MORE THAN 100. that's exactly what I was getting at there., it could have been more. instead of sitting here feeling bad for yourself for a natural disaster we should be thanking God that more didn't do because it could have been incredibly worse. Also new york was not affected near as bad as near jersey. Just so you know I actually don't appreciate the fowl language. I don't cuss and I do not appreciate cussing, thanks.Originally Posted by messjess18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Honestly I have so much to say to you right now, but I'm just not going to. I don't have time to sit here and write a novel to you saying how much I dislike you. I haven't even met you, and I want nothing to do with you. I'm a college kid, too, and ten bucks a month is a lot for me as well, but I sure as hell am not going to complain to them when they are going through a ******* natural disaster! (Excuse my language, and I'm sure someone will get mad at me for cussing, oh well.) 100 people dead is devastating and you have no right to say that it's not a big deal. I'll compensate you ten bucks if you'll just get out of this forum. serendipity720, no one wants you here.
OH and also to say that you don't have respect for their personal lives... I have no respect for you. NONE.
I for one do not think I am better than anyone else. I was irritated that you consider you and your box more important than the tragedy that has happened.Originally Posted by serendipity720 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I feel bad for everyone on here who thinks they are so much better then everyone else.
Using your age as a reason why it's ok to be selfish is a big cop out. I have an 8 year old that is immature since she is a child, however she is very generous of heart. I have always taught my kids to remember other people's feelings when making choices. Spurting out all of this malarky just makes you sound uncaring and quite frankly like a small child having a temper tantrum.Originally Posted by serendipity720 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm 20 years old so yeah I'm a little selfish and immature. I'm still a young adult growing up.
My suggestion to you is to just stop logging in and posting.Originally Posted by serendipity720 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great I would love to be off this threat. I would really love to delete my account and never talk to any of you again so I'll pay you ten dollars if you help me figure it out.