How to use Imju's (or Dejavu's) FiberWig mascara forums

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no, but it's how you get the mascara to work the way you want it ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i have no idea. i'll wear it next time and sprinkle my eyes and see LOL

WOW! I got it!!! I can't believe my lashes, I wish I knew how to post pictures. I like this a lot now! I don't know if I'll continue to buy it when I run out... Mascara is one beauty product that I don't like to spend money on. I still think Loreal Hip is my favorite. This is great too though. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Tried doing it vertically but think I need to practice a bit more since I keep on getting it onto my eyelids eheheh..........

Hey Jennifer, I was wondering if you tried getting them wet to see if it would run down your face. I hope it doesn't! That would sux sooo bad!

I just got a fibre mascara [Anna Sui] and I had no idea how to use it, it got all clumpy!

I also wiped it off on the side of the tube! :eusa_whistle: Thanks so much!
